Chapter 32 - Life

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Daisy, Nan and Liam's aunt, Mitsi were seriously engrossed in a program I couldn't understand. It appeared to showcase two sets of people who go into each other's homes and decorate a room without any say from the people who actually owned the property. Then it would be revealed to them, and if they didn't like it, their reaction would be televised. I figured this was why people tuned in. Schadenfreude and all that.

"Mercy, she's going to paint their walls purple! They aren't going fancy that!" Daisy fairly hooted with laughter as the people on the screen rolled eggplant colored paint on to the walls of the elderly couple's home they were invading.

"Hope that poor fellow's heart's in good order," Mitsi chuckled from the recliner with her glass of wine. "The shock of those walls might send him straight to glory!"

"Oh, not this program!" Paul, Liam's dad laughed as he came into the room after changing into more comfortable clothes after finishing work. "Poor Grace, having to be subjected to bad interior design."

I was seated next to Nan who was crocheting an afghan on the sofa. Anne and Liam had went out to an early dinner alone at my pressing, and I had relaxed spending time with Liam's lovable family, from Mitsi, who was at least four heads shorter than her son, Jamie, to Paul, a personable man with Liam's smile. It was still fascinating to note resemblances in families. I knew Wammy and I were related, however distantly, but I think the only physical attribute we shared was our blue eyes and they were even different shades.

"It's quite all right. It's interesting..." I allowed softly. "Will the production company pay to fix the walls if the family doesn't care for them?"

"No!" The ladies gleefully cried. Ah yes, it was definitely schadenfreude.

A knock fell on the door and I jumped in my seat. It had been hours since Anne, Liam, and I had arrived in London but still I felt it possible for L to make an appearance. "Er, I'll get it!" I volunteered to go answer, prepared to slam the door in his face if it was him.

"What a helpful little soul she is." Mitsi remarked as I made my way to the front door, taking a deep breath before opening it.

Liam's friend, Caleb stood there, looking up from the top step quickly with a smile. "Hello there, Gracie." He greeted me pleasantly.

"Hi. I'm sorry to say Liam's not here. Neither is Jamie. I believe they mentioned something about meeting at a pub later, however." I explained, wondering why his expression didn't change. Why else would he have come here if not to see one of them?

He appeared nervous now. "Oh yeah, I know. It's just that Lee told me that you were kind of on your own. I thought I'd see if you wanted some company or anything."

I was happily surprised. "Oh well, that's a lovely idea. I've been watching television with everyone but we can sit out here if you like. Just let me fetch my coat."

I stepped back inside and went to the hall closet where I pulled out my black pea coat and slipped it on.

"Going out, luvie?" Daisy called to me and Caleb stuck his head in the door.

"Er, hello everybody."

"Aha." Nan smiled to herself and went back to her work.

Mitsi sat forward in her chair and frowned. "Here, Cay, did you tell that Charles if he says stuff like that in this house again, I'll tell his mother?!" she demanded, obviously pretending to be stern.

"Oh yeah, he's learned his lesson. Promise." Caleb assured her as I buttoned my coat and walked outside with him.

I shut the door behind me and sat down on the top step. "It's nice you stopped by. I have to say I'm glad it was you and not someone else."

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