Chapter 46 - Reunion

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One look had made a quite heady enjoyable evening become unbearable. What must he have thought? Surely, he wasn't angry that I was dancing with Caleb, had he thought I was dancing too close? Had he confused my look of concern with a look of warmth? Why had he appeared from thin air when he had repeatedly told me he wouldn't be able to make it? Why did I feel like my world was in danger of ending?

I frantically glanced around me as I picked up my skirts in both hands and rushed toward the doors, not knowing what to say, but knowing that he simply couldn't leave this way, with the wrong answers to any questions he may have.

"Ha! Where's the fire?!" Jude called out as I sidestepped past him and Linda's best friend, Dani, whose short spunky hair had taken on a strange hue in the last 24 hours.

"Hey Grace, we match!" she teased pointing up at her magenta tresses. Jude rolled his eyes and I could only throw them an exasperated look before I continued quickening my pace. With Jude and Jinya and now Dani experimenting with hair color, the heads of Wammy's were turning into a veritable rainbow of sorts.

It appeared that I was going to be met with distraction after distraction. I was steps from the doors when someone purposefully blocked my path.

I stopped short and stared at a girl with blazing eyes who was stubbornly acting as a barrier to the exit, wondering what she wanted.

"Pardon me!" I cried out, knowing every second was vital. Perhaps now I had a chance to catch him, but a delay could prove disastrous. "I must get through!"

"Who are you?" she demanded in Liam's dialect. Her voice came out sharp as she remained immobile, crossing her arms in front of her.

I was taken aback. "What? Who am I? What does that matter? Please, let me pass!"

"No, first, I want to know who you are, and I want to know why Caleb Templeton gives you the time of day."

I could hardly respond to such insolence. "My name is Grace Deacon, this is my home and you will be letting me get through directly!"

"No." she returned in a dark tone. "You haven't answered my question. Why did Caleb instantly ask you to dance and turn down the others? Why was it you he wanted to be near?"

I was growing even more frustrated with this girl who obviously was expressing some jealousy over Caleb. "Why can't this wait? I do need to get past! It's very important!"

"Well, I think my question is worth a reply, Grace. Why would you be the one he chooses at this knees-up and then why would you break away from him like he meant nothing?"

My mouth fell open. "Caleb is my friend, but the reason I parted from him... well, that's really none of your concern!"

"Anything to do with one of my mates is my concern." she shot back. "Especially when this one keeps getting his heart broken by snotty twits!"

I stared at her speechless, trying to keep my emotions under control. If I didn't succeed, this ornery girl was going to be on the other end of some very foul language which would hardly be appropriate for the venue.


My accuser looked past me, and I watched her eyes soften at once. "Yes, Cay? What is it, then?"

I turned to see Caleb roll his eyes and step forward to lay a hand on Lil's shoulder. "Let her go, all right?"

"But she-"

Caleb didn't move but his demeanor became more persuasive. "I know how you are, but let her go."

Lil seemed to be struggling with the apparent happiness it gave her to be near Caleb and the need to tear me a further strip. "Fine, fine all right then. Whatever." She stepped out of the way of the doors and shot me a final look.

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