Shiver with...

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I haven't seen him for a fortnight and honestly, I'm about ready to explode. The tingle of excitement which starts in one place spreads throughout my body right to the extremities and I can't think straight, I'm so distracted.

My mind wanders to the long-awaited reuniting and a smile spreads across my face. Yes, I can picture it all very clearly and this only fuels my desire.

It almost hurts to keep it in but I must, I must hold on, I must keep it for later. I know from experience it helps to add to the passion and frenetic energy we'll both have. The more I try to ignore it the more my mind brings it up, allowing visions amd fantasies and memories to swim before my eyes so that I'm almost useless as a functioning person today.

I'm aching, burning, desperate for him to walk through that door and only one thing can satiate my thirst and I feel I might actually scream with frustration until I get it.

The front door clicks open.

I run to him, the maddening desire about to be realised, and I pull him in, pull at his lips with my teeth, pull at his belt buckle with dizzying speed.

I see that familiar intensity and those creases by the eyes which I simply adore. I'm not just full of lust, I'm full of love and there's only one way this is going to end.

Gloriously. Exhaustedly. Breathlessly.


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