My Valentine

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I JUST love her so much, I can't bear to be without her. When I see her whoring around the room with a complete disregard for my feelings it makes me wish for death.

She's everything; she's life; she is my reason for breathing every day. I want to kiss her whenever she's near, feel the warmth of her body close to mine, breathe in her scent like it's the very air keeping me going.

My heart belongs to her but I'm not sure she knows just how much; I just know my very life is entwined with hers and if she ever left my world could crumble, she's that special.

She would never understand this so I need to make that decision for her and save her sweet mind from this heartache. Yes, she's acting like some kind of slut but she doesn't mean it. She wants to make me jealous because she cares for me, too.

When I stick the knife in I'll just kiss her forehead, twist it, and promise her my love is eternal.

I'll never forget her. My eulogy will say so.

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