Beep, Beep, Bitch

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DAVE grinned wickedly at the buxom, scantily-clad woman before him. She had full lips, generous hips and breasts he probably could suffocate between. He wouldn't mind that at some point, perhaps.

Greedily he drunk her in before deftly removing what little she was wearing. He wanted every inch of her, wanted to touch and taste and feel and enjoy every second. She smiled provocatively.

"Where do you want me?" she asked huskily.

Dave chewed his lip and pointed downwards.

As the woman did her worst Dave became aware of his phone going off on the bedside table. He tried ignoring it- it was very distracting from the glorious sensation below- but it seemed to get louder until it cut through his consciousness and the room became dark.

Alarm 1

Dave huffed loudly as the woman disappeared and he was faced was an early start and raging morning wood.

He closed his eyes and tried to conjure up the last image he had in his mind.

"Same time tonight?" he asked hopefully.

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