Late Night Feelings: A TVD story

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"WHAT makes you think I won't rip your head off right here, right now?" Klaus snarls at the woman stood in the middle of the empty ballroom.

Klaus was tall, dominating, his presence emanating danger, but she wasn't scared.

"You could," she admitted calmly, "but then you'll be destroying the only honest person in your life right now."

His anger was apparent but his eyes flickered slightly.

"I bet you've only ever killed the mortals who dared to defy you," Maggie Hopkins continued, "and what does that prove? It proves you can't even argue your point, you have to resort to a display of physical power to ever win.

"Think about it- all this time you've been here in Mystic Falls, you've had my help and I've never lied, never hidden anything from you, and I've never told you what you want to hear; I've told you what you need to hear. Kill me and you'll be back to square one, surrounded by liars and backstabbers."

Klaus Mikaelson looked at her intently for a few moments before his face split into a smile.

"Well, you may have a point there, love," he grinned.

Maggie eyed him thoughtfully and put her hands on her hips.

"Have you ever actually won an argument without killing your opposition?" she said with a light tone.

A roguish expression flickered across his face.

"If any of them were alive I'm sure they'd say I was right," he said with heavy sarcasm.

Klaus stepped closer to Maggie and ran a thumb along her jaw.

"I admire your honesty, and I'm somewhat impressed by your lack of fear," Klaus begins.


He grinned and his hand found its way to her neck, gently resting over the carotid artery.

"It's somewhat ill-advised. I can Compel you to do whatever I want," he said in a low voice, eyes fixed on her unblinkingly.

"If you do that, though, you'll never know what it's like," she responds.

"Know what what's like?" Klaus asks with curiosity.

"To sleep with someone who is genuinely attracted to you," Maggie answered with a twinkle in her eye.

Klaus stopped, his hand frozen on her neck. He looked confused.

"Come on, Klaus, you can hear my heartbeat, tell me I'm wrong," she taunted.

He released his hand and looked her up and down.

"But your heart rate is always like that," he said eventually.

"You'd think being a millennia old would make you better at this, Klaus," she teased, "you're off your game. It's always like this because I'm around you."

Slowly, hesitantly, she edged closer to the original vampire, her eyes locked on his. Gently she pressed her painted lips against his full ones and lingered just a moment.

"Is my heart telling you the truth, Klaus?" she whispered.

He looked down at her and felt a rush of something that he hadn't for an extremely long time. Had he ever known what it was like to make love to someone who knew what he was, what he'd done, and still wanted him anyway?

His lips curled into a smile and in the blink of an eye he'd gathered her up in his arms and entered into the bedroom.

Set somewhere in Season 3 of The Vampire Diaries. I'm on a major TVD binge at the moment.

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