Just You and I

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THE dancefloor was empty as the newlyweds took to the parquet boards. The shared nervousness of once again being the centre of attention was removed the moment he took her in his arms.

Meg and Carl smiled at each other as the singer started crooning and in one moment, the outside world didn't exist. One hundred people were stood watching but all Meg saw were the low candlelights on the tables around.

Carl stared into his love's eyes and saw every moment of joy and completion he'd ever felt. He was there with his absolute best friend in the world and he couldn't believe he had her.

They shuffled in a circle together as the music made more sense than it ever done before. People smiled and cameras flashed but it was inconsequential when their bodies were tucked together, being as close as they could between a diamond white wedding dress and navy suit.

Carl brought his head to Meg's and kissed her above the brow.

"We've done it," he whispered in awe. "We made it."

Meg grinned.

"I know. We've got this far, I can't believe it."

The lights twirled and other couples joined them in their own moments, disjointed dancing in dispersed pairs.

"It doesn't feel real," Meg admitted as she glanced a find look at her shiny new wedding ring. Carl never broke his gaze.

"We waited all this time and we're here and it feels like this is always how it should've been," he responded.

Meg felt her heart burst into a million songs and feelings.

"It's how it'll always be. This is just the beginning," she said breathlessly, hardly grasping the eternity she was predicting.

"Me and you, Meg, best friends for life," he told her.

They danced some more, the crushing weight of future choices and burdens not even a thought. The fights and screams and damn near-impossible days didn't exist in that moment, the accusations were months away, the debts hadn't stacked up yet, the resentment wasn't building.

At that moment they were the happiest people in all of the world wrapped up in the feelings of adoration, completion and excited anticipation of their hopeful future. That precise moment was the height of their life.

When they returned to the hotel they sat on  the bed and looked at the mountains of cards and gifts they'd brought from the venue.

Of course they felt passion and lust but for a little while longer they wanted to remain in their bubble. They opened their cards and read the kind sentiments shared and felt bolstered by others' faith in them.

"I can't believe how nice everyone's been,"  Meg gasped with watery eyes. Hundreds of pounds were stacked on the bed from gifts and well-wishers.

She realised that people believed in them.

Carl smiled at his new wife lovingly.

"People really like us," he said admitted.

And with that they gave in to each other and  ended the day with a new burst of joy, ready to face the world together, side by side, best friends despite it all.


Song credit: Tom Walker

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