Burn with Me

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"THE HOUSE is on fire! We must get out, come on!" George screamed.

"It is better if we stay, brother." Henry's calm reply was barely audible over the sound of the cracking and roaring flames engulfing the house.

"What do you- come on! We do not have time for this, get out or you will die! We shall both die!"

Henry looked over at his younger brother patiently.

"Yes. And no. We will die but it does not mean the end."

George gripped his hair like he was mad. As he opened his mouth to object, however, he thought better of it and grabbed his brother to drag him to the window. Henry yanked his arm away and shoved him backwards.

"You were not to know this, but we can die here. We will be safe."

"The fumes are confusing you... Henry, we need to go!"

"George, we are not human. The flames cannot kill us because we can be reborn."

The floorboards splintered and cracked beneath them and they both jumped out of the way of the rising smoke.

"Henry, what... what is the meaning of this?" the younger brother sputtered and coughed

"If we leave now we shall be destitute and have nothing. This fire will destroy our home and livelihood and we will die on the streets in a few months, or even sooner of consumption. But if we burn, we will be reborn. We are phoenixes, George, and we were forged in fire. It will kill us, yes, but then we come back and start again."

George looked at his brother with panic and fear. Clearly he had lost his mind in desperation but they had only minutes until the smoke filled their lungs anyway.

"Henry, I... we have to go..." he gasped, making his way towards the window groggily.

"Please, you must believe me. We have nothing, but we can have a new start. What do you say, brother, do you trust me? Will you burn with me?"

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