I Miss Molly

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I love her, she's my everything.

People say you don't know love until you've lost it- well, that's absolutely true because the moment she was taken from me I felt the pain, the eternal craving for her never to be fulfilled.

I need her and I know I can't hold her again because she's gone with no way to reach her.

I miss the way she helped me to socialise as I was trapped in a silent world. She made me feel warm and joyous and like I could see anyone, talk to everyone, be thrilled in the tiniest moment.

Of course loving her had a price. When I realised I loved her I couldn't stop thinking about her; I couldn't eat or sleep or use my brain properly from thoughts about her. That's when I knew I was head over heels.

But the problem was when she left I was a pit of despair, as intense as it sounds. I felt ecstatic, elated, magical when she was around but my goodness did I hate that agonising wait until our next meeting.

She didn't know how much she drove me crazy, it wasn't her fault, she just turned up and I was the one to take it to the next level. She was amazing to be around.

Yet my family never liked her. They thought she brought out a bad side of me, that she took me away from them, that she made me obsessive and reclusive. They were just jealous that she gave me something they never could. They weren't as easy to love as my dear Molly.

Through all the downs, the depression, the sleeplessness, being sacked at work she was there for me as a comforting lover and non-judgemental friend. I was happy to lose everything for every night I spent with her.

Yet I'm told I need to rid myself of these thoughts to lose all thoughts of her, like it's that easy to do. How do I give up the best thing I've ever known?

I'm supposed to be detoxing, rehabilitating, as pathetic as it sounds. I'm to keep away from my old friends, my dealer, my old life. I spent all of my money and lost my entire family because of Molly and yet I still love her. I want another taste, another shot, another burst of pure ecstasy. I want to feel happy again.

When I'm free of this ridiculous facility I'm going to find her.

I won't fail you, Molly, I will come back to you again soon.

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