Chapter 5

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With all Kate put Jonah through during the past ten years, he doesn't think he could handle another one of Kate's free spirited antics. Later that day, Jonah got up as normal and did his morning routine. First thing he did upon leaving the house was to make a visit to his main branch. Latifah would be starting today and he needed to be present to guide her around the restaurant before he could leave the training to his most trusted worker.

Upon arrival, there Latifah was, on time, in uniform, eager to start. He performed his professional runnings then handed her over for training. He left the workplace at 9am that morning. Jonah headed straight to QG Magazine to talk with Kate because he needed to find out what was really going on. He arrived at Kate's office but the secretary told Jonah she was preparing for another shoot.

He then proceeded to Kate's dressing room where he noticed a 'do not disturb' sign on the handle. This was too important so Jonah ignored the sign and went in. Kate, so busy, didn't hear the door open. Jonah was painfully shocked at the sight he witnessed at that moment. His girlfriend of ten years and counting, in the middle of a gangbang with Chris and her assumed client from the other night, or maybe he was another 'friend'.

Whoever he was, Kate was having a great time. Jonah's throat grew tight as he tried to digest what he actually saw. Tears ran down his face as he shouted,

"This is your preparation for a photo shoot?.. How could you?. I've stuck with you through the ups and downs. You find joy in hurting me right!"

Kate was in shock, she hustled to put on her dress as she ran behind Jonah but she was too slow. Jonah had already gotten in his car getting ready to drive off. All Kate could do was stand in place and watch. As Jonah drove off and made a left without looking, a sixteen wheeler truck collided head on with Jonah's car, pushing him back some feet into the side of a concrete wall, of another business accross the street.

Kate rushed to Jonah's car but was unable to reach him as the car started produce smoke. A fire had started and Jonah was pinned to his seat, unconscious. The fire service wasn't too far from the accident so they acted immediately. The ambulance on the other hand was five minutes out and they had the traffic to deal with on their way to the accident. The fire service had to literally cut the car open to get Jonah out after putting out the blaze. By this time the ambulance had already arrived. Jonah's feet and left hand were broken, as well as six of his ribs, with one puncturing his left lung. His heart rate increased dramatically, about to go into cardiac arrest if the medics didn't act quickly.

They got his heart rate back to normal but they had to operate on him at the hospital. In the mean while he was hooked up to a machine in the ambulance that helped him breathe. There was no place for Kate in the ambulance so she had to drive herself to the hospital. She felt terrible. Jonah had always been there for her, he looked past her free spirit and saw a woman with potential but Kate took him for granted and kept hurting him. Each time she hurt him, he took her back with no question but this time she assumed he couldn't take what he saw.

Kate really overdid it this time. Hurting Jonah emotionally was one thing, but physically, especially an accident like this. She couldn't imagine the pain he felt untop of the emotional breakdown he was having. Tears ran down her face as she drove recklessly to the hospital. "please be ok!" Kate repeatedly said on her way to the hospital.

Upon arrival, Jonah was rushed to the Theater where he had to undergo emergency surgery. Kate had to sit in the waiting room and await the process to finish. After her shift, Latifah and a few other employees came to see their boss. Balloons, flowers and teddies were gifts brought for him. Kate was too worried and ashamed to be angry at Latifah. For all she knew, his employees heard the stories of how the incident happened since talk moves fast in the community.

The light at the door finally came off signaling the surgery was complete. Doctors as well as surgeons came out the theater one by one. Kate as well as Latifah stood up as the doctor approached them.

"good news, surgery was a success."

They all felt a weight lifted off of their shoulders.

"Bad news, he hasn't woken up, he's in a coma on life support"

There was complete silence as their smiles turned upside down. Kate, devastated by the news, let out a painful cry as she dropped to her knees. Tears flowing down her face, her stomach wrinched tight as she regretted everything she put Jonah through. Latifah lended a hand as she raised Kate to her feet. Although she was the enemy and Kate emotionally abused Jonah, they shared a common hurt. Latifah embraced Kate and the employees embraced them both as they began to pray for Jonah.

"With prayer nothing is impossible," Latifah explained as she started the chain of prayer. When they were finished praying the floor was soaked with tears as they all let out their pain for Jonah. Kate felt the worst even after prayer. Jonah wouldn't be in this situation if wasn't for her hoe-ish ways. She really overdid it this time.

Suddenly a nurse approached the crowd announcing that they could visit Jonah now but two at a time. Kate wanted to wait for last since it was her fault. Latifah let her coworkers go first as they paired up. She then entered the room with Kate after everyone had their chance. The room was filled with the presents and well wishes cards, teddy bears and flowers. The constant beeping of the machines made Kate more nervous than before. Latifah held Jonah's hand while talking to him asking him to get well soon, also thanking him for the job he provided for her when she was in need.

Now that he was in need, she wished there was something more she could do. Latifah then got up and hugged Kate. She then left the room leaving Kate to make peace with her demons.

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