Chapter 10

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It was now nearly eleven months since Jonah's accident. Kate had resumed work as normal but she was given the benefit of leaving in time to join Jonah at his hospital bed both morning and evening. It was fall, so she normally had to travel to another country in order to shoot but she didn't want to leave incase Jonah woke up. Kate pleaded with her manager to send someone else just this time so he made an exception just this once.

Kate was thankful to her manager. She couldn't leave Jonah like this, what if he woke up when she wasn't there. She needed to be at his side when he woke up. Within the last few months, Jonah moved his fingers and lightly squeezed Kate's hand but nothing extraordinary as opening his eyes or talking. The doctors after one year would either have to pull the plug or ask the family to pay in order to keep the machine running if they believed there stood a chance of a person waking up. Kate had hoped it didn't have to reach to that as she saw signs of improvement from Jonah.

Kate couldn't let them pull the plug on her soulmate. Even in a coma he was a good listener. Kate had changed her life for the sake of Jonah. What would she do if he hadn't come back to her after her sacrifice, but Jonah was also the one who made the greatest sacrifice, reason being without his accident, Kate would still be the same. Instead she puts Jonah infront of herself, her needs and her wants. She would risk getting fired from her job for him.

The new found love Kate had for Jonah extended and amplified his purpose to wake up one day so he could kiss his beautiful girlfriend once again. Unfortunately that day wasn't today. Jonah's body was healing, the broken bones and ribs had been healed seventy percent as quoted by the doctors overseeing Jonah. They started lessening the bandages from his hand and legs. The body cast wasn't quite off yet but from the removed bandages, Kate could see Jonah's flesh. From caramel colour to pale white skin under the cast Kate could also see Jonah lost alot of body mass.

He has been in that bed for almost eleven months. Kate was sure Jonah had bed sores and when he came out, had to undergo therapy to re-learn walking and using his hands. She vowed to be by his side until he really died, but she had hoped that day could just freeze in time and never happen. Kate believed the most beautiful death would be to die together in the embrace of each other's arms while sleeping peacefully. Tears began to run down her face once again by just thinking of that day.

Kate remembered a statement she read in a book once,

"We were born and raised to have a family of our own one day, then when the time is right, leave this earth so the neverending cycle of life could continue."

This was the most truthful and sadest thing she had ever read. Life seemed unfair as a teen, as she thought about seeing her grandkids and great grandkids growing up. She wished by some meraculous feat, this could be a false statement but unfortunately it was the truth.

Kate's thoughts were interrupted by the vibration and familiar jingle in her pocket. It was Michelle, calling to find out about the progress with Jonah. Kate's only true friend, she wondered what she'd do without her in times like this. Kate explained the situation to Michelle highlighting the one year period they had before having to pay for continued service from the hospital. Michelle was upset as she knew this would devistate Kate even more.

Michelle volunteered to help with as much as she could when the time is right. Kate was thankful for the gesture but declined her offer since she knew Michelle had a child to support. The father was trying his best but it wasn't enough on its own. Kate believed things wouldn't have to come to that. She believes Jonah would start breathing on his own and no longer need the machine to pump oxygen in his lungs.

At this stage Latifah and her coworkers still came but on less days than usual. She wondered if they had given up as she did in the beginning. She wasn't about to give up on Jonah until she saw with her own eyes he finally gave up. Latifah despite not showing as much still called Kate to confirm progress on Jonah. Latifah was currently involved with a guy by the name of Julien, as she told Kate. Apparently Julian is the guy with the biker jacket aka Damian's friend. Latifah met Julian at a bike show in town earlier this year and they hit it off big.

Kate, although she had better things to worry about, still had a feeling at the back of her mind that Latifah would have tried to take all the credit and intervein with their relationship when Jonah was awake. Upon hearing about this Julien guy she was involved with, became a little more at ease with her relationship with Latifah. On the other hand her relationship meant she couldn't come into contact as much with Jonah.

Kate was alone for most of the time with Jonah now. She really wished he had woken up by now. Kate started to talk to Jonah while passing her fingers at the back of his hand, kissing it at any chance she could get. It's never easy seeing someone you love in a bed like this, especially when you're the one to blame for the incident in the first place. Kate tried to stay away from the depressing topic but she had to let him know that if he doesn't wake up in time, the doctors will have to pull the plug therefore killing him. She couldn't allow that but there's only so much she could do.

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