Chapter 8

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The next morning Kate woke up later than she expected. Upon checking the time, she noticed visiting hours for the morning had been over but she still had to try. Kate took a bath and got dressed before heading out but on arrival she was stopped by security that told her to come back this afternoon. Kate was disappointed but she was already out the house so she parked in a public car park and strolled the city.

During Kate's stroll she thought she'd pass the time by visiting some of the places Jonah would take her on his lunch breaks. The nastolgia she had, tingled her skin as it felt so real to see him there. She remembered the conversations and the smiles they shared, sometimes the argument that she started to have an alaby for later. She then left, trying to run away from her demons. She was truly a bad person to Jonah and he didn't deserve it.

Kate eventually found herself at a restaurant that Jonah introduced her to. She ordered drinks until she was good and tipsy then she told the bartender how terrible of a person she was. She didn't really remember much after that except leaving the restaurant. Kate sobered up a while later and proceeded to her car. Afternoon visiting hours were close so she had to get moving.

Upon arrival, Kate rushed to see if Jonah's condition had improved but to no relief. He was still the same, banged up, broken, life support vegetable that she made him. Kate held his right hand,

"I'm not sure why I keep hurting you Jonah, but I've seen the error of my ways. I don't know how much torture I have to endure before you start to heal. Im all alone in this world and you are the only person who sees the good in me, even though I don't show it. You believe in me and I thank you for loving me the way you do. I believe that you can hear me and I need you to at least show me a sign that you can hear me. I will be at your side until the day you can leave and even then I won't ever leave or hurt you ever again I promise. Just please get better for me and for everyone else who is cheering you on. Please Jonah I love you!"

As tears ran down Kate's face from all the pain and guilt she felt holding Jonah's hand. She felt Jonah's finger move as if he really signaled her to let her know he heard her. Kate was given a spark of hope at that moment. She couldn't wait to see Jonah out his bed again. At least talking or smiling with her and she would be pleased. Latifah had already made a visit this morning from the flowers at his bedside so Kate wouldn't be seeing her this afternoon.

The bell signaling the end of visiting hours was sounded and Kate kissed Jonah's hands before leaving. Kate drove to Jonah's establishment to speak to Latifah. Kate told her about Jonah's finger moving and how she wouldn't stop being there for him, just as she asked. The two women shared a moment together at lunch as they spoke about the nice things Jonah did for them. Tears ran down both their faces as they embraced each other.

Unfortunately it was time for Latifah to get back to work. Kate also had to get moving, she had to do some more research in order to help Jonah get out of bed sooner. At home dad noticed Kate in a better mood than before. He assumed things were getting better with Jonah so he didn't pry.

Kate ate her dinner quickly that night and diverted to her bedroom immediately. Her research took her almost all night since she was full of hope for Jonah. Suddenly Kate's phone rang, it was her friend Michelle. Kate and Michelle were better than best friends so she couldn't ignore the call. Michelle was at this party on the other side of town and wanted Kate to join her. She knew of Kate's demeanor and wanted Kate to lighten up a bit.

All the voices in Kate's head said no but she owed Michelle for all those lies she told to save her from being caught in the middle of her free spirited antics. Kate eventually said yes, then began grunting since Michelle couldn't find a worst time to interrupt her. Kate freshened up and got dressed before turning the keys to her ignition and turning up the volume for her journey to the other side of town.

Kate finally arrived at the party and look who's at the door waiting for her, Michelle with two cups of alcohol and a fist full of extacy. Kate had already been fucked up by life at this point so she partook of the festivities. The alcohol added a kick to the punch those extacy pills pulled. Kate had suddenly changed emotionally as the party grew later. Suddenly her eyes and this hot guy caught, making four. Kate turned in the opposite direction hoping he didn't notice but from way over there his eyes weren't wrong.

He proceeded towards Kate. His bad boy leather biker jacket reflecting spots of light as he moved, the groomed facial hair, the jeans tucked into his tall boots were some of the things she noticed as he came closer. He offered to buy her another drink so she had it slowly since she could feel the pills starting to take hold of her. Suddenly this upbeat song comes on, Kate loved it but was already to fucked up to remember the name at that moment. She pulled the biker guy onto the dance floor and began to dance all wild and crazy. Others then joined her but unlike Kate, they weren't high on extacy but on strictly alcohol. Kate danced the night away relieving some of her built up stress.

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