Chapter 9

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Kate's eyes flew open, 7am the alarm clock showed but didn't go off. Purple
bedsheets and the sound of birds tweeting out the window. Kate groaned as she covered her head with the pillow. Kate then realized this wasn't her bedroom. Kate flew up, her head ached unaware of how she even reached here. "Where was here?," she asked herself. The sudden guilt she endured showed up on her face.

How could she sleep with that biker jacket guy knowing what she was going through with Jonah? Where were her clothes? Did anything happen? All questions in Kate's mind.

Suddenly Michelle came through the door with two cups of hot chocolate milk and a sandwich for Kate. Michelle saw the supprised but yet still worried look on her face. She immediately knew what was going through Kate's head.

You really thought I'd let your high off extacy pills and alcohol ass leave with Damian last night. What kinda friend would I be if I let you go to sum dude's house to get advantaged? Michelle asked.

Suddenly a weight was lifted off Kate's shoulders as she began to giggle with Michelle. Kate couldn't be happier but then reality struck as she sipped her tea. Visiting hours were drawing close and Kate needed to be there with Jonah. Michelle volunteered to escort Kate to the hospital for moral support so she agreed to the gesture. They both dressed and Michelle drove Kate since her head was still spinning.

Michelle and Kate arrived at the hospital on time meeting Latifah and some of Jonah's employees in the corridor to his room. Kate allowed them to go first as she would like to be alone with Jonah. The last person to leave Jonah's room before Kate and Michelle was Latifah. Upon exiting the room, she hugged Kate for a while before taking her departure.

Kate and Michelle then made their way into the room. Michelle was shocked at how badly Jonah was banged up. She now understood why Kate had to be at Jonah's side so badly. Michelle, after wishing Jonah a speedy recovery, left Kate to her will.
Kate held Jonah's hands hoping for another bit of movement from him. As she did, tears began to flow down her cheeks,

"Please Jonah I know you can hear me in there. I'm sorry, I really am. I'm so fucked up I can't even think straight. I can't do this, I can't live this life without you. I'll settle down with you, I'll be the woman you know I can be. I promise, I promise, I promise. Just please get better. I need to hear your voice or at least see you getting better. Please Jonah. I love u so much. I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you this for real when you were here for me to hug."

Kate kissed Jonah's hands again, Jonah's fingers began to move even more now. Kate's tears turned from sadness to tears of joy.

"I love u, I love you, I love u Jonah," Kate said as she kissed his hands a few more times. The bell rang to end the morning visiting period so Kate couldn't stay. Outside, Michelle was awaiting Kate with open arms, waiting to embrace her.

"his fingers moved even more this time" Kate announced to Michelle.

Michelle was so happy seeing Kate in a better mood than she was earlier. Kate had to make sure to come in this afternoon to visit Jonah again. Her prayers, tears and pleading weren't in vein after all.

Upon leaving the hospital Kate and Michelle walked down the busy street to a pharmacy not too far away. There, Kate needed to recover from her crazy night so she bought the recommended medication so her head could stop spinning. Just as the pharmacist said, the medication worked in no time. Kate felt like herself again, minus being free spirited. Kate had enough of being that wild, party type, one night stand girl who hurt Jonah.

Her antics could have cost a life, and a life that cared for her as well. She knew deep down that Jonah didn't deserve this treatment and she also didn't deserve Jonah. How could she live with herself if Jonah had gotten killed that day. The scenario played out in her mind like a tv show. The way Jonah barged through the door, his facial expression on discovery, the way he sped off and the way the truck collided with him shattering all the glass, almost smushing Jonah in the driver seat.

Kate could have avoided this. If she wasn't as free spirited as she were,she would have been settled with Jonah since he was the perfect gentleman for her. Kate never really had a type when it came to guys, mostly who's aura she felt strongest, she'd end up in the bed of the individual. On one occasion the strongest aura was of a woman mid twenties, brown hair, size c breasts and a seductive attitude. Kate could never forget her, since she was the one who opened up her sexuality in a way no man could.

Kate wasn't a bisexual in any way so she couldn't continue the fling. Most times Kate would just have a one night stand, other times if the sex was good, as long as it took her to get bored of the same strokes. As I said 'hoe-ish'. Sometimes situations arise for the better or the worst, as her mom would say. Kate guessed that this time was for the better. If weren't for Jonah's accident, Kate probably would still be spreading her legs carelessly around town for any sex crazed, testosterone filled, well dressed, handsome guy she'd come accross. Not because Jonah couldn't satisfy her, but just because she could.

It was about time Michelle and Kate went their separate ways. Michelle had to be home as her daughter's father was bringing her home in an hour. She hugged Kate before getting into a taxi and proceeded home. Kate had to be at Jonah's side for the last time today so she drove to the hospital as she wanted to arrive early.

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