Chapter 7

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After visiting hours, Kate was asked to leave when the nurses came in. Kate dried her eyes before she left the room and proceeded out the front door. All the way home, Kate couldn't stop thinking about Jonah. Her conscience surfaced and showed its ugly face once and for all. As Kate arrived at home, she went straight to her room where she locked the door behind her and dived onto her bed. She cried uncontrollably for a moment before considering suicide. This pain was too much to bare for her. Suddenly her dark thoughts were interrupted by a knock at her bedroom door.

It was her dad. He had came to make sure that she was okay. She got up and opened the door for him to come inside. She hadn't eaten a thing since she came home and she always opens  the fridge as soon as she comes home. He knew about the accident with Jonah but he was clueless about his daughter's hoe-ish ways. He then decided to offer his daughter some relationship advice on the matter.

"Im not the biggest fan of your relationship but if you love that boy don't give up on him, and if you don't then don't play with his heart."

"there's a reason you keep him around, remember I'm an experienced man, I've been through it all so I know"

He was right, Kate did keep Jonah around for a purpose. It started as just comfort and convenience but now she loved him dearly. Her emotions were mixed up terribly and its almost as if she was someone else at times. Her heart was for Jonah but her trust issues kept her still searching for a better someone. She knew that she was wrong for not trusting Jonah but she was afraid to let her guard down again.

She couldn't handle another heartbreaking experience but ironically, she would if Jonah decides to give up. She couldn't let that happen. Kate researched the theory that persons in a coma can still hear but not respond. She was given a new purpose after her research proved successful. She would visit Jonah every day and talk to him, apologize and anything else she could do for him to hear her voice.

The very next day Kate took an early vacation. She called her manager and explained the situation so he excused her for a moment. Kate was now free to visit Jonah morning and evening visiting hours of the day. Firstly Kate would grab a bite to eat before heading straight to the hospital. Once there she would hold one way conversations with Jonah, reminisce and apologize again and again. Jonah's employees came to visit often as well. Latifah embraced Kate every time they met because she knew the pain she felt for Jonah.

Latifah brought fresh picked flowers from her grandmother's garden for Jonah as well as another 'you can make it' card on his side table. Kate appreciated all the support Jonah was receiving but it just made her feel even more terrible. She could see everyone smiling with her but deep down she knew they just tolerated her because of Jonah.

Nobody really likes Kate, how could Jonah allow such a stuck up brat like Kate to run with his heart like that. Was the thought on everyone's mind.

Kate's emotions were conflicting with her assumptions and so when Kate couldn't take it she ran out the room, tears in her eyes, pushing anyone out the way as she left the hospital that day. Kate didn't go straight home that evening, instead she visited a nice hilltop view overlooking the city. She needed to pull herself together, she was loosing herself. Eventually she would go crazy if she hadn't calmed down.

A moment later Latifah showed up and stood next to Kate. She was puzzled at how Latifah found her all the way out here. Latifah then spoke as if she heard Kate's thoughts,

"As a kid, my dad used to cary us all over for picknicks on Saturdays. Of all the places he carried us, this was the only place I grew attached to. The sense of peace overlooking the city was something beautiful. I didn't stalk you or anything like that but I had a hunch that if you're anything like me, you'd be here." Latifah explained.

Before Kate could say anything she started again,

" oh and God's willing, once he makes it again ,please do me a favour. Please take care of him since his heart belongs to you. I had my chance, don't make the same mistake as I have."

Kate nodded her head in approval as Latifah left her side. Kate then drew her attention to the peaceful sunset gracefully setting behind the chaotic city she called home. She then backtracked to her car where she took the scenic route home. It took her nearly two hours to arrive at home but she had alot on her mind to think about and 45 gigabytes of music to more than last her the whole trip.

At home Kate went directly to the fridge, took out a can of soda and went straight to her room. She scrolled through the gallery on her phone reminiscing about all the good times she had with Jonah. Once she came accross a picture with or of Charles, she would then delete or crop out Charles from the frame. Kate then checked her notifications on Facebook also scrolling down her timeline. The constant get well soon wishes and pictures of everyone he ever knew, flooded his wall.

Kate never noticed how important Jonah was until his accident. She took him for granted so many times and he always poured the heart out to her and she would spit on it each time, but he still continued to be a loving boyfriend despite her horrible treatment. Kate mentally beat herself up each time she thought about how she could have avoided this situation. Her fight would be long and hard but she won't give up on Jonah. Without Jonah, she would become the most hated person in the city. She would eventually loose her job because of the sales drop of the magazine and she will have to live at her parents house for the rest of her life. Her mind raced until she eventually fell asleep.

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