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4 years after the war has finally ended, Adora & Catra are walking down on the backyard of their cabin admiring the view and pretty plants around them. They are happily married now. "It's a beautiful day in Etheria isn't?" Adora said to Catra. "Oh yeah it really is. Could you believe it's been 4 years since the war ended?" Catra asked. "I know I couldn't believe it. I keep thinking about the time you and me were fighting The Horde together, but now its, it's different now." Catra starts holding her wife's hand. "Well I'm glad that's over with." She said.

"Hey um, Catra?"

"Yes babe?"

"There's something I have to tell you."

"What is it?"

Adora feels nervous to tell her wife the news she's about spill out.

"I'm....I'm pregnant."

Catra's eyes are wide the hell open.

"Say what now!?"

"That's right, I'm pregnant."

Catra is shocked to hear this big news.

"That's.....that's AWESOME!!!!"

Catra gives Adora a great big hug after hearing this news. Adora hugs her back while seeing how happy her wife is. "I-I can believe it. I'm gonna be a mom! We're gonna be moms!" Catra said ecstatically. "Am I dreaming? Tell me this not a dream, cause I hope to God it's not a dream!!!" Catra's exciting nature makes Adora laugh out loud.

"This is the most exciting thing I've ever heard in my life and......." Catra stops herself and thinks about something. Adora sees her wife's ears droop down and begins to question.

"What's wrong?"

"I just...."

She lets out a quick sigh.

"I never had a family before. Not the Horde just.....a biological family."

Adora sees her wife a little sad that she doesn't know who or what her family was like or hell, where she even came from. She slowly walks up behind the feline and gently places her left hand onto her right shoulder. "Well guess what? You already have a family, me. We can make a family, together." This cheers Catra up a whole lot as she turns around to face her, makes a big smile and kisses her on the lips.

"So what are we gonna name our kid? Wait! Is it a girl?" Catra asked. "Yes it is a girl." "Yes!!!" She whispers to herself. "How about....Chelsea, or Lori, Aleena or anything!!!" Catra feels so giddy about naming her future child. "Well I was actually thinking about naming her, Mia." Catra gasps. "That's.....that's a wonderful name let's do that!!!" Adora nods and two starts hugging and kissing again. "This is the best thing that's ever happen to us." Catra said.
"I know, Catra, I know."

9 months later, Adora is at the hospital with Catra holding her hand. The baby is coming out! Adora winced in pain with sweat trickling down her face. "It's gonna be okay, Adora." Catra said while comforting her. "Okay now I need you push, Adora." One of the doctors said in front of her. Adora nods and pushes as hard as she can with her leaving a loud scream in pain.


The baby finally comes out. Adora breathes for air from the pain but feels happy to have her little angel with her physically. "Yep. It's a girl." The doctor said. He gives Adora her child and feels utterly happy of how beautiful she is. Catra is trying not to go crazy over her child just knowing how stupidly excited she is. "She's wonderful." Catra said.

Glimmer and Bow enters the hospital room that Adora is in and looks at their baby.

"Oh my god she's adorable!" Glimmer gasps.

"Yep. I introduce you guys to Mia." Adora said.

"Awwww, That's a cute name." Bow said.

"Oh My God! That means I'm an aunt now!" Glimmer said.

"And I'm an uncle!!" Bow said ecstatically.

Catra and Adora laugh at their excitement. "Looks like you're gonna be a big part of this family my little kitten." Catra said.

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