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Adora walks into the cabin after getting off from work at Bright Moon as she hangs her sword and jacket up and calls for Catra.

"Catra, I'm home." She calls but there's no answer.

"Cat? Cat are here?" Still no answer.

With a little worry, the first thing she'll check is the bedroom, so she walks upstairs and across the hallway and immediately opens the door and Catra is there, but she look likes a mess.

"Oh, Catra not again!!!" She said in a frustratingly surprised manner.

Catra is laying on the bed with her hair messier than ever, with what looks to be catnip all over the place.... and herself.

"HeY aDora!" She said in a loopy tone.

"Babe, I thought you said you weren't doing catnip anymore."

"I know but, I feel so.......BORED!!!!!!" She suddenly yelled the last word.

"Ok whatever, but you are going to clean this up after........"

"WAIT!!!! Did you hear that?!?" Catra jolts up interrupting her wife.

"Hear what?"

"That.....growling like noise."

"That's you purring."

"Really? Is that what they call it?"

Adora face palms as she continues to see her feline wife purring and making cute noises. That catnip can be a real trippy ride for her.

Adora feels a bit annoyed with her, but she couldn't be mad or denied at how cute she can be when she makes noises and sometimes very loopy.

"Ok then, I'll just leave you alone for now."

Adora walks out of the room letting the catnip wear off as Catra starts to fall asleep.


2 hours later, Catra opens her blue and yellow eyes with a groan. She feels quite dizzy and a little bit nauseous. She then realizes that there are remnants of catnip that is spread all over the bed and her clothes, which makes her remember that she was using them again.

"Damn it. Why I don't resist myself from these?" She ask herself.

She slowly gets out of bed and goes downstairs and sees her blonde wife in the kitchen making dinner.

"Hey Adora." She said her iconic catchphrase.

"Well hey, Mrs. Catnip."

"I know, I know. I couldn't resist myself."

"Babe, you know those things are not good for you."

"But they smell SO good!"

"Either they smell good or mess your health up?"

"W-Well, good point."

"Promise you won't keep sniffing them again?"

"Yes yes I promise. Now I'm starving."

"Oh no no. First of all, you are not eating after you get yourself clean."

"Oh come on."

"And after we eat, you gotta clean the bed."

"Fine." She said sheepishly.

Catra goes back upstairs and into the bathroom and takes a quick shower. Even though she is not a fan of water.

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