What's That Sound?

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It's 3am in the morning as the wives are sleeping in their shared bed. Adora's arm is now covered in bandages because Catra scratched her after she got scared when they were watching a scary movie that causes her to clutch her wife's arm with her claws.

Adora looks like she's knocked out sleeping while Catra on the other hand, is still up but she is fully bundled in the blanket looking pretty paranoid after watching that movie.

The feline hears a weird noise. She lifts her head up quickly and looks at the door which is closed, but feels slightly unsettled. It's probably nothing, so she lays her head back down.

But then the noise comes back and this time it's a bit louder as Catra immediately bolts up and tries to wake Adora up. "Adora! ADORA!! Wake up!!!"

"Huh!!!??? What!???! Who goes there!!!???" She wakes up yelling as she summons her sword and points at her wife.

"WOAH WOAH!!! Calm down babe!! It's just me!" Catra said with her hands up.

"Catra? Why did you wake me up at 3 in the morning?"

"Babe I think heard something from downstairs."

"It's your imagination.....now go back to slee....." The weird noise comes back once again. "The hell was that?"

"See? Told ya!"

"Ugh, whatever let's check it out."


The wives walk downstairs to the living room with Adora holding her sword and keeps her guard up. Catra has her guard up, but feels a bit more paranoid....which is unusual for her.

"Hmm....I can barely see anything.....let me flip the lights on." Adora flips the switch.....but it seems that it's not working. "Huh, the powers out."

"Oh shit! This is bad news!" Catra begins to slightly panic.

"Hey hey calm down babe!" Adora shines lights with her sword. "I've never seen you this scared. That movie must've really got ya huh?"

"No! That movie was alright but it didn't scare me."

"Uh-huh uh-huh, yeah whatever you say."

Suddenly, the noise came and it's a bit louder, and it sounds like a growling noise.

"What the fuck was that!" Catra sporadically says after she gasped and hides behind her wife.

"I.....I don't know." Adora is getting a little bit nervous herself.

She takes the cautious approach to the odd noise as it seems like it is coming from the kitchen. She has her sword all raised up and ready for whatever comes.

"Whatever you are, you......you chose the wrong house." Catra attempted to say something threatening but then whimpers at the process and hides behind Adora.

They get closer and closer as the sound gets louder and louder until Adora shines the light of her sword and it reveals to be..........

"Melog????!!!!!!" Adora said as she and Catra are surprised to see that it is their alien cat which he's in his currently small size that was making those noise the entire time. And is the one who cut the power off as it wires have been eaten up on the power box on the wall. It seems that he's been sleepwalking, which explains those weird grumbling sounds.

"Awwww.....my little cub is sleepy." The blonde awes as she picks him up.

"Wait.....that's it? There's no ghost or anything?" Catra asks worryingly.

"Catra, there's no such thing as ghosts. What you need right now is a goodnight sleep."

Catra sighs. "You're.....you're right."

"Now come on, let's go."

The wives then take the sleepy Melog back upstairs as they bundle up in bed and Catra feels super relieved that it is not a ghost......even though she doesn't want to admit it that she was figuratively shitting on herself.

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