Face Time

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Catra misses Adora so much. She's out there somewhere in the field doing her usual She-Ra job and keeping Etheria in tact while the feline is just sitting in the master bedroom reading a book to try to pass some time, but feels like the day is dragging just onto her.

The tracker pad starts ringing next to her on the lamp desk next to the bed as Catra's ears starts perking up. She puts the book down, and reaches for the device, grabs it and reads the caller's name and it is Adora who's calling. The feline starts smiling and immediately answers the pad via face time.

"Hey Adora!" She says her iconic catchphrase in a more cheerful tone.

"Hey babe! Ya miss me?" The blonde flirtatiously said slightly.

Catra chuckles. "Of course I miss you. You've been gone for so long."

"It's only been 8 hours."

"I know but....I feel so bored and lonely in here." Catra starts wallowing around the room.

"I'll be out of here in the next hour and a half, just be patient."

"Trust me.....I don't do patience."

Adora chuckles. "Of course you don't."

"How's it going protecting the planet and stuff?"

"Oh you know.....typical boring patrolling, there's not much action going on and I have to do some paperwork."

"Oh I gotcha."

They both continue talking to each other for an extra couple more minutes until they decide to sign off.

"Ok babe, I'm gonna go sign off. I'll be back home in a bit." Adora said.

"Ok, but before you go, give me a kiss."

"Ok then." The two wives begins to give each other a kiss.......by kissing the screen on their tracker pads. Those better be clean.

"Love you Adora."

"Love you too Catra....bye."

"See ya babe."

They both hang up their pads as Catra turns her head and sees Melog who has a "are you for real" look on his face.


"Rawr?" Melog raises his eyebrow.

"So what I kissed the screen, she's my wife."


"Oh whatever, you'll understand love one day."

"Rawr." Melog meows in a snarky remark.

"What did you just say to me?!" Catra raises her voice.

"Rawr!" He meows snarkily.

"Freaking smart ass cat." Catra mutters.

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