The Punch

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After the portal incident, Catra has been acting strange, very strange. Like she hasn't really been herself ever since. Like there is a part inside her that she feels a lot of.........guilt.

She remembers that cold stare Adora gave her that haunts her in her dreams, and the worse of all, is when she punched her across the cheek leaving her knocked out while in the portal.

"NOW LIVE WITH IT!!!" Adora yelled at the feline as she punched her. She remembered that very moment that she was just......done with Catra. That's the part that gets her.

Catra is in her room pondering about what she did for like nearly 2 hours. That heated moment she had was a little much. Like she turned insane and psycho towards everybody; to Adora, to Scorpia, to Entrapta and her other Horde friends too. Now they don't want to talk to her anymore. She pushed them away and now she realizes it.

She feels tears on the edge of her eyes as buries her face into her pillow and starts crying out loud. She never had the intention to make all this happen to her negatively, she just wants everything to be perfect. But it turns out being perfect can be an impossible mission to do.

How could she redeem herself now?

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