My friends 0 4

474 7 0

A doorbell sounded through the house And I stood up from my seated position on the couch. I walked to the door and opened it up, not thinking twice of who was behind it. There stood my three best friends. They had smiles on their faces, excited to see me.

"Kathy! Its so good to see you." Cary said and hugged me.
"We missed ya kiddo." Max said and ruffled my hair.
"Uh guys, Its not like its been a month since I last saw you?" I question them and myself.
"Uh yeah it nearly has been Kath, you've holed yourself up in your house all the time since a year ago." Markus says and strps into my home.
"Really? I forgot, time flies fast." I ponder and Cary steps away from the embrace.
"Katherina, who are they?" Erik says, coming from around the corner.
I smile at him and Max nudges Cary with a smirk. "Oh, Erik, these are my friends, Maxine, Caroline, and Markus." I point to each.
Erik just nods, becoming his anti-social being again. Maxine turns to me, "Kathy why didnt you tell ud you had a hot guy here with you?"
"Oh my god Maxine!" I exclaim and I see Erik look totaly shocked at the indirect compliment.
"Max you did it again! What did I tell you about holding your tounge." Markus smacks the back of her head.
"Okay fricker wanna fight?" Max punches him back.
"Okay guys calm your asses, no need for a fight." Cary says pushing them apart. "Hi Erik, nice to meet you." She holds out a hand for a shake.
He shakes it and looks at me for help. I smile encouragely, "Nice too meet you Caroline."
"The others may act like children but thats what your into I guess." Caroline smiles teasingly.
"OHMYGOD!" My face flushes and I hide my face.
"Oh come on Kathy, we're just teasin ya!" Markus smiles and slings an arm around my shoulders.
"Yeah! In front of my poor friend!" I say and drag my hands down my face. "I'm so sorry Erik."
Erik looks at Markus' arm and then looks to me, "its... Okay."
"So Kahy, I guess we should leave you guys alone then." Maxine wiggles her eyebrows.
"I'm. Going. To. Kill. You." I say and open the front door widely. "Be my guest!"
Maxine and Markus laugh, highfiving eachother before leaving, Caroline trails after them and looks back when she smiles apologeticaly at Erik and teasingly at me.
"My friends are jerks!" I exclaim and slam the door shut.
"They were okay, I think." Erik says.
"No, no, they were making assumptions and teasing me, rude." I say and make my way into the kitchen.
Erik follows me, "Well I always have a fix for that."
I gasp. "No!" I quickly spin around to face him. "No! No really they're great, thats what friends do." I explain. "Also, no killing while you're here. " I turn back around to grab an apple.
"Okay, okay." He says.
"What do you want to do today mon ange?" I ask and bite into my apple.
He shrugs and says, " I was just thinking we would stay home again."
I gasp dramtically, "no, we are going roller skating!" I cone up with that idea on the spot and trample over to my shoes, "hury and get ready, love, we're leaving soon."
He looks confused for a second then brushes it off and leaves to go get ready.

I stepped out of the driver seat and saw Erik having trouble with the car. I walk over and open the door for him. I guess the new technology was too advanced, suprisingly.

"Oh you big baby." I said and pointed to the button to unlock the seatbelt. "Press that and it will come undone."
He does as said and the corners of his mouth twitch. "Thanks."
I smile and nod then I close the door after hes out.

     Once we enter I'm over whelmed with a sense of nostalgia, me and the gang would always come here for fun. Once, we found a hole in the walls, hidden from Sight and we set up camp there once. I check us in and we get our skates.

     "Hold on Erik, I need to go somewhere before we start." I say and have Erik sit while I go look for the hole.
     Erik nods and keeps looking at everything in the rink.

I sneak past a few people that crowded the walkways. No one, should ever know this area, besides me, my friends, and trusted others. And Erik of course, is my friend and trusted so of course I'll be showing off the lovely hiding spot. It would be majorly fun to play hide and seek in this building. I make my way over to the enterance and make sure no one, especially workers, had been looking. Once the coast was clear I pulled back the board and saw the familiar sight of fairy lights and pillows littering the floor. I smiled and pulled back to bump into someone.

"Oh!" I exclaim and turn to see Erik looking at the board with interest. "I guess I wasnt the only one to make secret hideouts." He smirks and looks at me.
"Of course not," I say and look back at the board, "Now, lets go skate, huh?"
I sit and put on my skates and stand up. I wobble a bit but eventually get my skills back and I sit back down to help Erik with his.
"What are these abominations." He said and looked at the brightly coloured four wheeled skates that were the complete opposite of his loose button up shirt and jeans. (I made him wear them, he doesnt like it.)
"Roller skates. Now, lace up and then we skate!" I say enthusiastically and roll my feet back and forth on the floor.
"Wont I fall?" He asked and starts to slowly put on them.
"Not with practice." I say and smile.
Once he finishes I stand up and he does so with help. I start to cautiously walk to the enterance of the rink before noticing Erik wasnt following.
"Come on! It'll be easy!"

Your Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Sequel to Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now