Girls night 1 5

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     "I'm sorry to invade your privacy Katherina." Christine looks down at her hands like they were suddenly interesting.
     "Its okay Christine, you were curious and you thought I was in danger, I think." I say and hold her shoulder.
     "But Katherina you love him, it was rude of me to react like that." She looks back up to meet my eyes.
     I smile reassuringly, "Really Christine its okay, I promise."
     She nods silently. "Oh I'm so glad you accepted my apology Kathy! I missed you! Why didnt you write at your family's?" She quickly embraced me.
      I hugged back, "I just got so caught up, and promise me I tried but I missed you too!"
     I'm so very happy that Christine came to visit the Opera Populaire. If I was here longer without her it wouldnt feel right!
     "Now lets talk boys!" I squeeled, I havent been acting like a girl for a while so now is the time to catch up.
     "Lets get Meg!" Christine suggests and I nod.
     "Someone said boys?" Meg opened my door dramatically.
"Sit down! We're having a gurls night!" I exclaimed excitedly.
Meg jumped onto my bed and we all giggled like our inner school girls.
"Christine! How is Raoul? And Gustauve?" I started and Meg leaned over my shoulder to look at Chrissy.
"Oh its so lovely! Having a family is a dream come true! Kathy you must have children when you get married!" Christine exclaimed happily.
My face heated up, "Of course." I remember my little angels, Matthias and Marrionette.
"Meg you too!"
"Actually..." Meg paused to be dramatic. "Someone asked me out!"
"Meg!" Me and Chris chourused. "Who?!"
"His name is Kyle.."
"He works here in the Opera House.."
"Is he cute?"
We look to Christine. "What? Is he?"
"Oh yes, he is so attractive!" Meg fawns over this boy.
"When can we meet him?" I ask leaning forward in anyicipation.
"I dont know, maybe we could all go on a triple date together." Meg suggests.
Immediantly I get excited, "Oh that would be so fun!" I then remember my own circumstances, "But... I cant."
Meg's face falls, Christine looks at me sympathetically. "Why not?" Meg asks.
"I'm busy a lot, and so is he." I lie on the spot and look to Christine for help.
"Yes Meg, I'm very sorry, although it would be very fun, with Gustuave..." Christine trails off. "He needs a lot of attention." She finishes.
"I get it." Meg nods and looks at her hands.
"One day Meggy, I'd love to." I place a hand on her own reassuringly.
She nods again before piping up almost automatically, "Kathy! Tell us the about your love!"
I'm taken aback and I look to Chrissy for help.
"And stop this secret communication! I want in." She looks at us jealously.
I nod slowly, Christine just shrugs. "Well, I cant tell you a lot Meg. But He is the loveliest most gentlemanly guy I've ever met." I gush and smile at my thoughts.
"You are so in love." Christine nudges me, teasingly.
My face flushes and I shrug before looking at my hands which suddenly seemed a lot more interesting.
"He sounds lovely!" Meg says and holds my shoulder.
I nod before looking back up, "How about we get some snacks?"
Meg's eyes widen. "We are going to sneak into the kitchen?"
"I've done it before." I shrug, it wasnt to big of a deal.
Chrissy gasps dramatically, "Katherina you stealing little girl."
I smile, "lets go, girls." I stand up and wrap my cloak around myself.
They stand too. "First orders boss?" Meg salutes.
I snicker, "To the kitchen!"
They repeat after me, "To the kitchen!"
We march-ish out into the hallway. Raoul is there with a baby Gustauve in his arms. He looked so tired.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"Shh!" We whisper and he looks at us weirdly.
"Christine?" He asks, nodding to Gustauve.
"Sorry love, its a girls night." She smiles and we hurridly march off to the kitchen.
When we arrive there is already glasses of milk and cookies. Thank you mi amour.
Meg gasps at the sudden food.
I smile into the shadows and take the food. "Looks like my partner in crime helped us out."
"That saves a lot of trouble." Christine remarks, noticably getting a little disturbed.
I nod and we head back up to my room.
When we get back theres a rose and a note. I walk in and set the food down. Meg looks at me curiously before picking up the items.
She reads the note and realizationhits her in the face. "You are in love with the Phantom of the Opera!"
My eyes widen and I hurry over to her. Christine does the same. "Meg shhh!" I warn and take the things with force. I read the note and I sigh.

Mon ange, I hope you found your treats. Have a good night.

"Am I right?" Meg whispers forcefully. And looks me over.
I look up to her and my shoulders slump. "Yes."
Her eyes widen, "Katherina he will hurt you!" She whispers and Christine tries to stop her from talking.
My temper flares. "He will not." I angirly say and put my things in their rightful places.
"Christine?" A knock on my door sounds.
We all look at my door. It was Raoul. "Yes honey?" Christine opens the door.
Raoul stands there, holding a fussy baby. "I'm sorry to interupt but he needs feeding."
Christine looks back at us, "I have to go for a bit guys. Dont.. Kill each other." She smiles and leaves the room.
I stare at Meg, "I know it seems bad Meg. But seriously, I'm fine."
Meg nods and breaks the stare. "If he's as good as you say."
I smile, "Yes. Now lets wait for Chrissy so we can feast." I sit on my bed and Meg joins me. "Tell me about Kyle."
"How did he ask?" I smile curiously.
"Oh, he asked with flowers." She said it like it was nothing.
"You say it so simpily." I say and nudge her with my shoulder.
"Well..." She trails off.
"Meg, details!"
"He asked before practice... And theres not much to tell."
"Oh Meg, I'm so happy for you!" I grasp her arm in excitement. "Have you told your mum?"
"No, I think she'll be upset." She says.
I let go, "Why?"
"I'm all she has, and she doesnt want me running away."
"Oh Meg, tell her, she might be upset but its for the best." I say and side hug her.

Your Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Sequel to Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now