Helpless 1 4

334 7 1

     "Oooh, I do, I do I do I dooo. Hey! Ooh, I do I do I do I dooo. Boy you got me Helpless! Look into your eyes and the skys limit Im helpless! Down for the count and I'm drownin in em. I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night. Laughin at my sister as she dazzles in the room. And you walked in and my heart when boom. Tryna catch your eye from the side of the ball room. Every bodys dancin and the bads top volume. Grind to the rythym as we win and dine. Grab my sister and whisper yo this ones mine. JOoh my siter makes her way across the room. Im nervous thinkin whats she gonna do? She grabs you by the arm Im thinkin I'm through. Then you look back at me and suddenly Im helpless! Look into your eyes and the skys the limit I'm helpless! Down for the count and Im drownin in em."

I hum out the speaking parts of the song and wait for the next lines.

"One week later Im writin a letter nightly, now my life gets better every letter that you write me. Laughin at my sister cause she wants for a harem. "
"Im just saying if you loved me you would share him."
"Ha! Two weeks later in the living room stressin. My fathers stone faved while your askin for his blessin. Im dyin inside as you wine and dine and Im tryin not to cry cause theres nothin that your mind cant dooo. My father makes his way across the room. I panic for a second thinkin were through, but then he shakes your hand and says be true. You look back at me smilin and Immm, Helpless!"
"In new york you can be a new man, in new york you can be a new man, in new york you can be a new maaann. Helpless."

I finish drying off a cup and I place it in a cupboard when I sing the last few lyrics. I am so helpless. A smile dusts my face and I turn to face the room. Ayesha meets my face woth what looked like a smile. This cat had so much personallity. Purr-sonaillity. I walk out into the bathroom and rest my hands on the sides of the sink. I look at my reflection and smile. I liked what I saw, kind of. A caramel skinned girl looked back at me with the same chocolate almond eyes and heart shaped face. I ran my fingers through my curly mess of a hair and smiled.
I hear footsteps in the foyer and my eyes brighten. Erik comes into the open bathroom and holds me. His head resting on my shoulder with eyes closed. My smile widens when I look in the mirror and see us. My hand makes its way up his masked face and gently takes it off. I analyze every place of his unmasked face and hold it with my hand. I turn around in his arms and smile up at him.

"How was 'work'" I ask and he opens his eyes.
"I think I should take you to the opera." He says, disregarding my question.
"Huh okay, that sounds lovely." I say, sort of suprised at the straight to the point response.
The only remaining thought was, how would we go? Would he demand tickets? But then that raises suspicion necause he would be asking for two tickets and I'm guessing this is his first demmand since Christine. Or maybe we would just arrive and watch in Box5 without telling? Oh it doesnt matter really, going any way would be lovely.
I slip out of the embrace, " I must be going, I think Madame Giry is getting suspicious of me." I reach up and kiss him before walking into the bedroom.
"Surely you'll be back for dinner?" He follows me.
"Of course, I wouldnt miss it for the world." I lift up the curtain to the secret passage way. I stop walking and kiss him once more, this time longer. And the familiar feeling of sparks hit me. Dont forget the butterflies too, they're always there. I pull away slowly and we share a smile, "I'll see you then."

Its then that I leave into the passage, I almost didnt notice the cloak laid on my shoulders. It became apart of my everyday wear, I guess its just on me 24/7. As much as I loved my dark blue one, this one couldnt be beat, it reminded me a lot of Erik and the home I have there.
I exit the passage and into the hall. When I close the closet door I catch a glimpse of someone leaving around the corner. Hmm. I leave to my newly made room and open the door, a white rose, like usual sat on my bed and suprisingly Accompanied by Christine. She was looking at the rose with interest.

"Christine?" I ask and close my door behind me.
She looks up and stands, "Kathy."
I smile kindly and go to my rose. "What are you doing here? Not to be rude." I reasured.
"I wanted to talk." She smiles a little back and watches me.
I run my fingers along the ribbon, "about?"
"I actually wanted to apollogize." She corrects, her hands clasped lossley in front of her.
I put the rose in my vase and smile. "Theres no need Chrissy, you have your opinions and I have mine."
"Yes but, not only for that but also another thing." She trails off and I look at her curiously.
"Here, sit." I motion to my bed and sit there aswell.
She nods and sits next to me, facing the other way.
"Whats wrong Christine?" I ask softly, what did she need to apollogize for?
"I'm sorry Katherina, for everything." She says timidly before actually looking at me. She had a tired face, I'm sure Gustauve us giving his new parents a hard time.
"Christine please, whats upsetting you?"

Your Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Sequel to Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now