The Daroga 1 3

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     I lifted myself off of a soft surface and looked around cautiously. I then realized I was on Erik's couch. I rubbed my eyes and when they finally ajusted I sat rigid in alarm. A man, not Erik, was sitting in a far off chair, watching me with curiosity. The man had a darker shade of skin, short graying hair and a kind face. But that didnt mean he was kind. I looked him down and my eyes shifted between him and the doorway, planning my escape is case comes to worse.

"Who are you." I demmand and stand up hesitantly.
He stands to meet my level, "You must be Katherina." He smiles.
"Who says?" I ask.
"You can call me Daroga." He shifts hiscoat and reaches out his hand for a shake.
I shake his hand, "What are you doing here, how?" I add pressure to the shake.
"Ange, I see youve meet him." Erik comes into the room and my grip tightens.
I smile kindly at him before narrowing my eyes at the intruder. "Erik, who is he?"
The daroga looked in pain at my grip. "An aquaintaince." Erik sits on the couch nehind me.
"Miss, could you ah, let go?" The Daroga asked cautiously.
I release his hand and stand near Erik. "I didnt... Oh my god! I'm so sorry." I say and appollogize to the man, I just remembered who he was.
He grimanves with a smile and sits opposite to Erik. "Its okay, you had every right to doubt me here."
"You know who he is I presumse?" Erik asks and I sit down next to him.
"Yes, I know." I say and smile.
"Why are you here Daroga?" The man next to me asks.
"I was curious of who this lovely woman was." He replies and slightly raises an eyebrow at Erik.
I snicker, "You talked about me?" I look up at Erik.
His eyes shift away from my gaze, a sign of embaressment. "Yes."
"Cute. Daroga, would you like somthing to drink?" I stand up, ready to make some tea or whatnot.
"Oh no, you neednt bother." He waves a hand and smiles.
I already start to the kitchen, "Its my pleasure." I smile back at Erik before entering.
"Why are you really here Daroga." I over heard and heated up some water.
"Christine Daae is back and, I wanted to stop you before you got attatched again." I frowned at that thought and continue my tea making process.
"I couldnt, not with Katherina here. Christine Daae is nothing but a singer to me." I smiled proudly and plopped the tea packet into the mug of hot liquid.
"Thats fine, but Erik its dangerous for a girl down here." I finish the tea and walk out.
"Woman, actually Daroga." I smile with a raised brow, I hand the tea to him and sit down, "I'll have you know I am perfectly fine here. I actually quite like it."
Erik smiles at me before looking towards the Daroga. "She agrees to stay here with me."
"Actually, love, Madam Giry has the same view as The Daroga." I pipe up and look down at my hands. Erik stays silent so I try again, "But I'll try again and convince her."
     "Maybe I'll speak with her." Erik says and nods.
     "That wont be necassary, I dont want to be on her badside." I say and smile up at him. "One day, okay?" I reassure.
     "Well I must be going." The Daroga stood up, "My son waits for me."
     My face lit up, "A son?" I loved children. Most of them at least.
     "Yes, his name is -." The Daroga looked happy when mentioning his child.
     "He must be lovely. " I'm handed his cup when I stand. Erik says nothing, as usual, If I remember correctly he wasnt very talkative with him. "Daroga, surely you can make your way out without getting hurt?"
     "Yes, Goodbye Katherina." He smiled and waved before exiting.
     "Bye bye." I called out. "He was nice." Erik rolled his eyes and I smacked his head, "Dont roll your eyes at me." I smile.
     Erik stands up and smiles at me, "Its late Katherina, you should head back."
     "Awww, cant I stay a little longer?"
     "No you child," He rubs my head. I nudge him off. "You need your sleep."
     "I just slept." I complained. "And I am not a child."
     "I'll escort you then."
     I snort, "Nuh-uh." I sweep on my cloak.
"You stay and eat. While I," I reach up and kiss him, "Go catch up with my best friends."
     He holds me, "I'll see you later." He lets go.
     I smile, "See you later." I exit into the bedroom to the oassage way and start the trek up.
I hum to myself with a smile as I push open the door of the closet. I can barely even take a step out without being blocked by Christine. I step back and make sure the passage way is out of sight.
I smile in greeting, "Hello Chrissy."
"You meet with him." She states and closes the door behind her. "The phantom."
"What are you talking about? Isnt he dead?" I rock back on my feet and resist my hands fiddling.
"I cant beleive this. My best friend meeting with a murderer. Do you take voice lessons with him too?" She accused and looked offended.
I step back, "No Christine."
"He's evil Katherina! What are you doing with him?"
"Nothing that you think of Christine, I promise!" I defend and nervously smile. "And he's not evil."
"Katherina you dont know him like I do."
My nose twitches in annoyment, "How about you mind your own buisness." I try to push past but she blocks the way.
"Just tell me what your buisness is with him?" She pries and puts a hand on my shoulder.
"No, Christine, its not your problem." I push again.
"It is, you could get hurt!" Christine says.
I nudge her hand off. "We're together okay? Now let me go." I push once more and she lets me go with no hesitation. "I'm sorry Chrissy."

Your Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Sequel to Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now