Naps 0 9

389 10 2

     I calm my racing heart after a quick roller ride around the block. Erik was at the house, composing I assume. I sit on the stairs of my home and take off the roller skates. The door behinds me opens and I turn to see Erik looking down at me and smiling.

     "You're back."
     My face heats up a little, "Yeah, what did you do while I was gone?"
     "Composed." He shrugged.
     "Thats what I thought." I smile and stand up. I walk into the house and see papers everywhere near the organ. "You are so annoying." Is all I say before starting to pick them all up.
     He makes a face and starts to help out with the mess.
     "Look man, you in my house. Dont make a mess." I say and go into the kitchen for some hot chocolate.
     He goes back to composing after that and plays a song that was half done. When I finish making my drink I plop onto the couch and cuddled into the blanket next to me. I get all warm and let my hair out of the bun atop my head. I sip on my drink and watch him compose. This was a common thing I liked to do, it was just so interesting. A peice of my hair stuck to my chapstick. Gross. I push it back and wrap myself deeper into the blanket.
     I open my phone and sip on my hot drink. I had a few notifications. I open a text from Caroline.

'Hey, me and Max were wondering if you wanted to go skating with us on thursday?'
                            'I would love too, but I'd have to check if I'm free tho'

     I respond and not a little later theres a reply,

'Sounds good! Text me if u can xo'
                                           'Of course.'

     I check my calender, yep I'm free, lets hope Erik will be okay alone.

                       'Yep I can go, see u then! Xo'

     I then look at social media, everyone looked happy and healthy, good. I stopped that and started to read a magazine on my coffee table. 'You can be super healthy with these three tips!' I read and groaned.

     "Agh I'm so bored!" I throw the magazine onto the table and sighed.
     I finished my drink and firmly placed it onto the table, it made a thud. I stood up and saw Erik looking at me amused. I groaned again and grabbed my guitar. I played the dramatic chords of Phantom of the Opera. I then started to play some of Hot Blooded.
     "Gah." I say and put my instrument back down. "Scoot over, you're playing for me." I say to Erik and sit on the stool.
     He starts to play a bit and it was one of calmness and also, love, a lot of positive feelings I guess. But besides that, it made me sleepy. I frowned, stop putting me to sleep you dingbat. Before I knew it I fell asleep on his shoulder.

     I woke up on my couch and my hair in my face. My blanket was on top of me and I stare up at my ceiling, suddenly finding it interesting. I lay there and let myself come to my senses. My head was on a throw pillow and if you looked down to my feet, there was Erik, sittin there with my feetees on his lap and reading a book. I blush and move my hair out of my face. I sit up and rub my eyes.
     I stare at Erik, "hey." I whisper and stretch. "Whatcha readin?"
     I dont get a response so I just assume he didnt hear me. I lean closer and look at the book in his hands, Beauty and the Beast.
     "Thats a good one." I smile and let myself yawn.
     Once again I got no agnoledgement so I look at his face. Suprisingly, his eyes were shut and his head was loosley hanging down. Hes asleep. I frown, thats uncomfortable. I reach out slowly, not wanting to disturb him, and put the book onto the table, remembering the page. I move from my comfortable position, sadly, and put a pillow on the back of the couch, I rest his head onto it. I curl up next to him instead (it was cold alright) and lay my head on his shoulder. His own head rested on mine and I blushed. Damn. I put that pillow there for nothing.

     I open my eyes and all I can see is a white shirt and my hair in my face. I sit up properly and stretch. I get up and I see Erik looking at me, my face flushes.

     "Hey, you're up." I say and pull my shirt down.
     He nods, "Last time I checked you were asleep too."
     I pout, "Well hey, I guess we both got a well-deserved nap." I smile, "I think I'll go practice, you do whatever." I say and make my way into my office. That was a lie, I didnt practice, I was going to play a game on my computer because I havent in quite a while.
     I see Damon on my desk, right in his favourite spot, where the sunlight hits. I smile and pet him. "Havent seen you in a while bubby." I kiss his head and sit in my chair. I start up spotify on my computer. I turn on my game and the song that came on, Point of no Return. Ramin Karimloo of course. Only the best Phantom who ever preformed.
     I hum along to the tune and play my game. Eventually I realize I'm singing, I dont care at the moment, brushing it off because I have sound proof walls in here.

     "You have brought me, to the moment when words run dry, to that moment when speech disapeers into silence, silence. I have come here hardly knowing the reason why. In my mind I've already imagined our bodies entwining, defenseles and silent, now I am here with you, no second thoughts, I've decided, decided."
     "Past the point of no return. No going bck now, our passion play has now at last begun. Past all thought of right or wrong, one final question, how long should we to wait before were one? When will the blood begin to race? The sleeping bud burst into bloom. When will the flames at last, consume us?"
     I sung with passion, who doesnt when its that song? I hear someone come in, and sing the Phantom's parts, it was him. Erik of course.
"Past the point of no return."
     I look back at him and give a weak smile, I almost dont keep singing but decide otherwise.
"The final thresehold, the bridge is crossed so stand and watch it burn. We've passed the point of no return."
     Before I know what I'm doing we are standing half a foot away from eachother. He looks into my eyes and I do the same.
"Say you'll share with me one love one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude."
     I grin up at him.
"Say you want me with you here, beside you."
     He takes my hands and sings,
     "Anywhere you go let me go too, Katherina, thats all I ask of you."
     I be brave and lean in one my tip toes. I kiss him and after he gets over his shock, at least I hope thats what it is, he kisses back and my stomach erupts with butterflies.
     When I pull away his mouth is a large, happy smile. And I can feel mine is too.

Your Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Sequel to Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now