What?! 1 8

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     The night seemed endless. It was just me and my family cracking jokes and eating. During the talking I stood up and grabbed a chair before wedging in between me and Meg's own. I have Erik sit there.
      After it all ended we all went back to our homes. I was to lazy to leave Erik's side to my room. When we get back to the lair I hug him, tightly.

     "Thank you mon age." I say and rest my head on his chest.
     "You're welcome." He smiles down at me and rests his head on my own.
     "Lets sleep now." I yawn and drag my feet over to the bed. I kick off my shoes and faceplant onto the matress.
     "Someones tired." Erik remarks.
     I say something but it comes out muffled.
      "Goodnight mi amour." He says before turning around.
     I clasp onto his arm and pull to me. I muffle out some words.
     "I said stay with me." I pick up my head lazily and pull him to the bed. He lands next to me, looking shocked and flustered. I turn my head and look at him before taking his mask off. "I love you."
     That was the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep.

When I woke up I felt an empty space beside me. It was cold, Erik must have left hours ago. I sigh and yawn before rubbing my eyes. I sit up and scan the room, Ayesha slept right on the bed near my feet. I hum to myself and drape my legs over the side before getting up. The rush to my head almost caused me to fall back into the clutches of the bed. I must have stood up to fast.
     I walk out into the main room and I'm met by Madame Giry and Erik having a kind of hushed conversation.

     "Antoinette, she likes it down here."
     "No I will not have it, it is completely unproper for a lady to stay with a man by herself and I wont accept any more excuses Erik."
      Their conversation comes to a halt when Erik's gaze snaps up to find me peeking out from behund the corner.
     "Uhhh, heeyy." I say awkwardly and back up into the room, making sure I was out of sight before fussing with my unruly hair. I made sure it looked approachable before fixing my face and dress too. I stepped back out and Madame was scolding Erik once more. Once again I step out and make myself known.
     "Good, Katherina we're going back up." Madame Giry says and motions for me to follow.
     I stand there with my head casted downwards. I take a breath and do something I never would have before, I disobeyed.
     "Katherina." Madame states harshly and comes over to me.
     I step away, "No thank you." I bravely say and catch Erik's gaze.
     "Look, I dont know whats going on between you two but I will not allow you to stay down here, you're just a girl." She reaches out for my arm and I flinch away.
     "Madame please?" I ask and look up into her eyes, Madame Giry was a good few inches taller than me.
     "Theres no winning this is there? Not with you two." Madame says under her breath and to herself. I crack a small smile and shrug. "Alright, but Katherina if anything happens..."
     I smile and look over to Erik. "Of course Madame. Say, when are auditions?" I redirect to Madame Giry.
     "Monday." She says and her shoulders fall.
     "I'll see you there." I smile a goodbye and she leaves through a passage.
     I look over to mon ange and my smile gets wider. I walk over and embrace him. I enjoyed the hold and rocked slowly. I look up and see him looking deep in thought. I take off his mask and it disrupts him.
     "Whatcha thinkin?" I ask and smile.
     "Marry me."
     Tears prick my eyes and my hand goes up to my mouth. He looks at me nervously, analyzing my every move. He must think I decline. So I start nodding frantically. With a few tears falling and rush back over and say yes before I kiss him. This was so unexpected. I always thought I would like to be proposed to with a ring and wine but this is just perfect. I dont care at all now. I hold his face and he holds mine. A few tears falling on both of our faces.
      I cant beleive it. I'm so happy! Happy tears, happy tears.

     "Lyrics of vid"

Your Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Sequel to Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now