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     I woke up in a bed, my bed, from the ballerina dorms. My already existing smile gets wider. I get up to look around the very familiar room.
     I looked at the paintings, the wallpaper, floorboards, everything. But my smile faltered when I saw someone elses trunk in the corner. Whos was that? I made my way over and hesitantly opened it, you never know what could be in there. There was the basic home necesitys and belongings, but they werent mine from back then. I shut the trunk defeatedly and looked at the door. Should I make my presence known?
     I open the doors and realization of the ending dawned on me. Everything is different now, its been a year, everythings been rebuilt and Christine isnt here. I sigh and look down the corridor. Thankfully no one was there so I stepped out and walked softly into the main room. Good thing when they rebuilt no layouts changed. I gasp and look over when I hear someone comming into the room. Madame Giry came into the room with her stick and casual black wear.

     "Madame?" I say and she looks over at me with recognition.
     "Katherina, is that you?" She asks and walks over.
     I nod and smile, "Its nice to see you."
     "You too darling, does her know you're back?" She hints and hugs me.
     "Yes, I'll meet him later." My face flushes and I hug the woman back.
     "Well then you must audition for dance again! Your dancing was lovely Katherina." She pulls back from the embrace and smiles.
     "Thank you Madame, and of course, I do plan on it." I look around the familiar entry way.
     "When will you? Surely soon enough before the new opera?"
     "Yes, yes, sometime this week." I hold her at arms length, "Where is Meg?"
     "Shes practicing in her room, you could practice too."
     "Sounds like a plan," I smile and let go, "I'll see you soon Madame."
     "You too Katherina." She nods and slightly smiles back.

     I walk away and back up into the dorm rooms. I wring my hands out and smile at the thought of seeing one of my best friends again. I arrive at Meg's door and raise my hand to knock. The door opens widely for a person to step through and Meg's eyes widen.

     "Kathy?" She asks and drops her hand from the door handle.
     I nod with a grin and hug her.
     She hugs back, "Its been so long! Come in, come in." She ushers me into the room. She sits me on the bed, "How are you?"
     I holds her hands and my smile widens. "I am lovely. How are you?"
     "Thats great. I'm good too." She smiles back. "How was your parents home?"
Oh yeah, that was my excuse. "It was good as well, I met an old friend there also."
     "Oooo! A boy?" She teases and plops on her bed. I feel my face flush and Megs smile widens. "It is!"
    "Yes, but he, he's here now." I nod with what I was saying and turn the question on her. "You find any one?"
     "Not yet, but, I would rather focus on dance." She gived an excuse.
     "Okay, no, thats a lie." I snicker and push her shoulder playfully, "You'll find someone, I promise."
She nods, "Have you heard anything from Christine?"
"No, not in a while." I sadly say and shake my head.
"Oh well surely you've heard She had a son last month?" Meg asked leaning forward a little.
"What? No I havent." I ask asstonished.
"His name is Gustauve, he's got the brightest blue eyes." Meg gushed about the baby.
I breathe out in relief, it wasnt Erik's child. "Really? I must go see soon then."
"Yes of course, I'm visiting next week if you would like to join?" She asked.
I nod, "I would love too, now Meg, it was lovely seeing you but I must go." I stand up and let go of her hands.
"Alright," she stands up with me and pats my shoulder. "Go get your man."
I scowl, "Meg!"
"I know I'm right." She smiles and pushes me to the door. "Go, go."
"Bye bye." I wave and leave, chuckling to myself.

I walk to the ever so familiar closet door and open it widely. I step in and look for the passage, same place as always. I enter and start the long trek. I hum to myself to stay entertained.
When I arrived I lifted the curtain, peering into the room, I first saw Ayesha sleeping on the bed. But right next to her was a beautiful dress. I walked over and touched the fabric, it was lovely. The dress was a royal blue and long sleeved, I missed these dresses. I've always had an obsession with them.
     I put the dress on with some difficulty and brushed my fingers through my hair. I fixed my bangs in the mirror off to the side and smiled at what I saw. I turned to the door and pet Ayesha before walking out into the main room. No one was there so I went over to the organ and sat down.
     A fabric was layed over my shoulders. I turned around and saw Erik smiling at me. I stood up and smiled back.

     "I'm happy to be back." I say and hug him.
     "Me too." He says and pats my head.
     I lean back and peck his lips before looking at the large fabric. "Whats this?"
     "A new cloak, you dont have your old one do you?" He ajusted it on me properly.
     "Nope," I smile, "thank you." I feel the fabric and its very soft, it was black and had a hood, very similar to my own.
     "Would you be staying up in the dorms?" Erik asked and sat on the organ stool.
     I sit down too, "I dont know, I kind of hoped to stay here?" I wringed out my hands and my fingers immediantly went to my wrist where my bracelet was.
     He smiled and looked at the organ. "I would love for you to stay here."
     "Good, I'll ask Madame Giry."

Your Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Sequel to Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now