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I woke up to a buzzing sound in the room. I sat up after I plied arms off of me and rubbed my face. I spotted my wedding dress on a chair in the corber and a wide shit eating grin spread across my face. I was married. Me! A girl who thought she would never find love, is married. I stood up and looked around to find the sound. I heard movement so I turned around and I saw my husband sitting up, probably looking for me. He spotted me and smiled. I smiled back.

"GoodMorning mon ange." I say and ruffle through my stuff for this noise.
"Good morning mi amour." He replies and gets up.
I feel the buzz once more deep into the pile so I start looking through.
"Looking for something?"
"Yes, I dont know what though."
His arms wrap around me and I melt back. He kisses my head and lets go. He leaves to the kitchen and I see a light accompanied by a vibration in my clothes. I quickly swipe the object up and stare at it for a sevond before nearly dropping it. It was my phone! My phone, that I didnt take with me and shouldnt be working anyways. I stare at it and answer the call.
"Katherina Makayla Daniels! Why the hell arent you at your house?!" Caroline's angry voice came through the speakers.
I flinched back and moved the phone farther from my ear. "I'm sorry?"
"Katherina are you high? Where are you? You havent responded to any of our messages or calls. Your apartment neighbor said he hasnt seen you for months!"
I sigh and my eyes grow wide. Time didnt pass last time I was here so I guess I am really here for good. "Carolin you have no idea how nice it is-"
"Katherina! Where are you!?" Max's voice comes through and my grin returns.
"Facetime me." I say and end the call while trying to find a place that wouldnt give it away.
"Katherina? Are you talking to yourself?" Erik asks from the other room right as I answer the face time call.
"Katherina who is that? Where are you young lady! Your parents are worried sick!"
I chuckle little. "You'll think I'm crazy." I say at Caroline's angry face.
"Shoot." She grumbles and Max stands behind her with hands on her hips.
"Ermm." I start and Erik comes in the room.
"Mi amour?" His footsteps stop when he sees my phone held out in front of me.
"Kathy!" Caroline shouts, bringing my attention back to her.
'Caroline?' Erik mouths and I nod a little. "Caroline, seriously I'm gonna sound crazy."
"Hit me with your best shot." She grumbles again.
"Well uhm, so I kind Time traveled and now I'm married and uh, phantom of the opera?" I shrugged and smiled apollogetically.
"Shes totaly high." Max says.
"Guys-I- I wont be back. Probably ever, I'm sorry but I'll text you? Maybe?"
"Katherina are you killing yourself?!" My moms vouce comes through and she appears in the backround.
"Shit." I mutter and my eyes flick to Erik. "No mama, I'm just, out of state."
"You are so dead when you come back home." She warns and stalks away. I nod and smile sadly, no suprise she didnt want to talk to me any longer.
"Katherina, seriously where are you?" Max asks, leaning over Cary's shoulder.
"I'm in my new home now, One day, I might-highly unlikely- see you guys again. I've gotta go- uhm bad connection- bye!"
I quickly turn off my phone and notifications before looking over to Erik. "What does this mean?" I breath out and try to reduce my eyes to normal size.
He shakes his head, not knowing the answer. Great. My stupid phone which isnt supposed to be working in the 1800s! Justcame back to life and now my whole other life is being thrown at me. Accompanied by my friends and family being pissed with me.

These few last chapters will be short because this story has kind of ended for now. But there will be some extra little dabbles of this plotline.

Your Angel // The Phantom of the Opera // Sequel to Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now