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Last night was an amazing night, a night for me to remember.

i woke up to Amani all over me and all i could do was stare at her, she's perfect evry little flaw i worship of her.

i started playing with her curly thick hair and went down her back massaged it.

"good morning" she said covering her mouth 

before i could say good morning she got up and grabbed her robe and went to the bathroom

"good morning ma" i said going with her into the bathroom 

she was brushing her teeth while i was in the closet picking out and outfit to wear

"soo do you wanna expalin about last night?" i said 

"whats wrong you didnt like it?" she said in a low worried voice

"no baby i loved it" i said "its just i didn't think you were ready that's all" 

 "ooh you scared me" she said

"nah you actually did good for your first time ma"

"thx i guess"

Amani was insecure about her body her dad body shammed her and called her horrible things. Amani had stretch marks on her sides above her thighs and some on her butt and to be honest those were the most sexiest thing i've seen.

Today I wanted to stay at home and just lay on the couch and watch movies all day and order food and cuddle wit my baby.

"hey Amani I was won-" I got cut off by her being in some PINK booty shorts that showed 70% of her ass 

"whaa happen are they ugly on  me" she said 

I stayed quite while I was just staring at her ass 

"JAYSHAWN!!!" she yelled

"shit mah fault ma"

"nevermind I guess they look good on me"

"fuck yeah"

she went over to the night stand went into the bathroom she started taking mirror pictures. so I got up and went to the bathroom and snatched the phone out her hand.

"why the fuck you taking flics in those shorts the fuck? you want me to beat the fuck out you and whatever nigga says something about you in the flic" I said

"no" she said looking down like a little kid when they get in trouble.


I deleted the pictures she took and threw her phone on the bed.

I picked her up and thru her on my shoulder and went downstairs and threw her on the couch 

"owww" she said 

"that did not hurt" I said 

"I know but still"






me and Jayshawn spent the whole day watching movies and cuddling which was super cute. 

Im not gonna lie but i wasnt ready to lose my virginity yet, but i wanted to please Jayshawn so  just gave it up. It felt good at first but then i regretted but im not gonna tell him anything.

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