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3 Day later.....


Ever since i've gotten to Hawaii all I've been thinking is about Jayshawn and new life inside of me...

Today im going back to New York tomorrow is Jayshawn's funeral, im not gonna lie but this trip to Hawaii got my mind way clearer and my aunt I couldn't find that bitch so I just stayed in a hotel. 


Its been three since Amani left ive been like a dog setting up all the funeral stuff, ive had Madeline's and Jamari's help but still its not the same with out Amani all im saying is that

when ever Amani gets back where moving out of New York, I've been working with buying a new house in Louisiana I got the same job offer that I got here to be the kingpin over there.

Todays the big day Jayshawn's funeral.... i have no words inside me. Me and the boys have been working on the person who was behind all of this Jayshanwn's death and we found him and today is the same day that im gonna get even.


"We have arrived at the JFK airport please wait patiently while we settle in"

I was nauseous when we landed i could feel like  i was gonna throw up my insides. I grabbed my phone and texted Derrick to pick me up. today i was gonna go and by a dress but the funeral starts at 2:30 pm and its 11:23 am.

As i got off of the plane my phone started ringing, i saw it was Madeline but i declined it. i wasn't ready to talk to many people only with Derrick and Jayshawns mom. We've been talking for the past three days and its been hard on her to know that her only son just died.







I picked up Amani from the airport the ride was  silent so i tried to break the silence but before i said anything she broke down into tears. "Yo Amani you good?" i asked "noo umm just take me home i dont wanna talk about it" she sobbed

"Are you sure?" i said "yes im sure now shut the fuck up and take me home" she said while wiping her tears away. i didnt even replied because i knew how she felt. 

We pulled up to Jayshawns crib which is now hers, i hoped out the car to help her with her bags. Amani looked so broken it killed me knowing i cant do nothing about it. "umm ill be back around 2:00 to pick you up ok?" i said "nah im good i'll just drive there its at 2:30 right?" she said

"yea but i dont mind coming to pick you up" i insisted "DERRICK LEAVE ME ALONE DONT YOU UNDERSTAND?!" she yelled. she grabbed her bags and and stomped to the door house like a 2 year old. 

Im not gonna lie but all i wanted to do was grab her and get out of this town away from anything that can harm her and that child. and that was exactly what im gonna do.


I entered the house after having my 10th nervous breakdown for no reason. The emotions i was feeling arent even the same ones that i was feeling when my mom died. Deep down i feared that i would lose myself, i need to keep myself together i need to do it for myself, for the life inside me, for Derrick, and ofc for Jayshawn.....

After a while i took a shower and did my hygiene stuff, then i went to my closet to pick out my outfit. I decided to wear my MK black dress with some Prada flats i finished the outfit with some simple jewelry. 

I grabbed my phone and purse and grabbed the car keys and headed out. On my way to the funeral i didnt play any music i wanted to be silent, im scared to hit rock bottom. 

I pulled up to the funeral and sat in the car for a while i was just thinking about everything going on right now. I started to tear up and and fill up with anger. I saw Derrick walking up to my window. He knocks on the window and and tells me to unlock the doors. 

"so wassup you feel far away from where we at right now." he said, "i am far away after this im finna go to the doctors today and check on the baby and see how far i am." i said 

"can i go with you? if you dont mind" he said "its okay i need someone to come with me cause im a bit scared of even going or even keeping the baby" i said ,

"your planning on keeping the baby or not??" derrick asked, "i dont know what to do i mean like i do want to keep it but im not even finished with high school im in the middle of my junior year and i to be honest want a fresh start away from here" i said 

"i need to tell you something, i was thinking the same thing how about we move to another state and have a fresh start i lowkey have everything planned out we can move to Louisiana in New Orleans i got some stuff set up there." he said 

"Derrick...... i think thats a good idea but what about this town Jayshawn...." i said

"we can leave after i kill Jayshawns killer and make him suffer exactly like Jayshawn did and after that we can leave the only thing holding us back is the negativity in this town lets leave you got a bright ass future lets make something happen imma get out of the game later on and do something with my life maybe become a fire fighter and you could become a midwife like you have always wanted to be but if we want to achieve these goals then we need to get the fuck out of here think about it, but for now lets get in this funeral and get this over with." Derrick said.


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