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It's been three years since I moved in with Myzel. So far my life has been great. I'm all sobered up from the heroin and shit.. I told him about my life and how messed up it was and he understood me in every aspect.

I'm emotionally attached to him and i'm not gonna lie but that dick is bomb asf shii. Today I was going to pull up to Derrick's old trap house and see if I can get his phone number because he changed it and I know for a fact that CJ will have it.

I walked in and knocked on the door to see that it was wide open with no one inside of it. I immediately ran to my car and drove off. I was scared i guess we can say but that place honestly gave me the chills.

I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries because there wasn't much at home. I walked in and grabbed a cart. I started grabbing everything I needed, I got to the snack aisle and started going a bit crazy. I grabbed my favorites and grabbed Myzel's favorites too.

I went by the medicine aisle to get some medicine for my nausea, I saw a pregnancy test right next to it and took it if anything because I am late on my period but it's probably normal. I finished grocery shopping and headed home. I quickly got the food all in its place, I then dashed up the stairs to take the pregnancy test just to make sure.

I peed on the stick and put it on the sink, I put a timer on my phone for 10 minutes, and I went downstairs to start cooking some dinner. Time went by and Myzel came home.

"Damn this house smells good."he said. He crept up to me and hugged me from behind, he then slowly kissed my neck.

"Go upstairs and take a shower so we can eat dinner, baby," I said. He shook his head and went upstairs. 10 minutes later he came down stairs running, "is this what i think it is" he said and showed me a positive pregnancy test. I covered my mouth in shock.

"I forgot that upstairs I'm really sorry" immediately broke down in tears. I felt like all of this was my fault and that I was the bad person here. I felt horrible. "Baby no why are you crying?" he asked. "Im sorry im really sorry" i said

"Why are you sorry, is this not my baby?" he asked. "Of course it's yours i'm just crying because i feel like if maybe i was on birth control this wouldn't have happened thats why im sorry"i said sobbing

"I'm not exactly ready to be a dad but I can get ready. I have lots of time to get ready to be the best dad to my little seed" he said.

He picked me up bridal style and took me upstairs to the room and laid me down in bed, he gave me a kiss on my forehead and went downstairs, he came back in with a food tray and it was the dinner I cooked.

Derrick POV

I woke up and saw juju and dd fighting over zippy our pet turtle juju had one side and dd had the other side of the turtle. I jumped so fast out of bed to save the poor turtle. "ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO THE TURTLE YOU GUYS COULD HAVE TORN OFF A LEG OR AN ARM" i yelled

They immediately started crying, GREAT(sarcasm). "Im sorry girls you just can't grab the turtle like that you need to be nice to zippy" i said

"But daddy we want our own turtle" juju said

"Okay fine you both can get one but only because today is your birthday and also we're going to fly out and see someone special. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS" i semi yelled

They started giggling and then I started tickling them. You're probably wondering who i'm going to see well i'm going to see their mom Amani i told CJ to keep an eye on her while i was up here i still love her but what she did was messed up. He told me that she got cleaned and everything he said that she's also living with this man. I'm guessing her boyfriend or whatever.


Today the girls turn three, I've been looking for CJ like crazy all over the city for him. I really want to see them, but I know they are in great hands. I know Derrick would protect them with his own life.

I woke up and saw my sexy ass baby daddy next to me. He looked so peaceful while sleeping. I got up and started getting ready today, I was going to spoil my baby, I had to hurry up because I had a night shift tonight. You're probably wondering where do i work well i work at a hospital, i'm a midwife.

I got out of the shower and saw Myzel brushing his teeth. "Good morning baby, why are you up so early." he said "well because today im going to spoil my baby daddy" i said while i applied lotion.

"But why spoil me when i can spoil you?" he said. "Well because i want to spoil you because i love you so much and etc" i said while kissing him.

I went into my closet and chose an outfit today. I was going to wear a plaid crop top with the matching skirt, so I put on my jewelry and headed downstairs. (picture in the media up top)

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