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Today was the first day of school and im not gonna lie am a bit annoyed that i had to repeat my junior year but i wasnt really up for a fight so i just went on with it .

My alarm went off and it was 5:30 AM, I took my phone went through social media and had seen all the texts from Jamari and Madeline ignored them like i've been ignoring them for the past month.

I got up and went to the bathroom to get all my hygiene stuff done. After i got out the shower i went into my closet to pick out my fit for today.

                                               (not amani just showing you what shes wearing)

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                                               (not amani just showing you what shes wearing)

After throwing my outfit on i went and grabbed my purse with all my school stuff inside and my phone along with my AirPods with my Apple Watch.

I saw Derrick talking to somebody downstairs at the door. He turned around with an IHops bag.

"Good Morning" he said every happy 

"Um Good Morning I guess" i said 

"Love the dry energy but here i ordered us some breakfast"

"i didnt know ihops delivers now"

"they dont dumbass its called UberEats"

I looked at him and rolled my eyes and opened the bag to grab what i liked i didn't grab any pancakes cause i was getting tired of them so i grabbed a Bacon Egged croissant  which i knew it was his with the side of sausages.

"Yo you know the sandwich is mine" he said

"Ok and now its mine your point?"

"Whatever Amani you always find a way to ruin my mood" he said sounding un-pleased

"i guess" i said dryly which cause him to get more annoyed 

I grabbed my food and keys and headed out the door cause i was most definitely not riding with Derrick.

*                      *                            *                               *                                 *                                         *                           *

Pulled up to the school and went in the main office to grab my schedule.  As I was walking in some random girl comes up to me just looking at me and my baby bump, i interrupted the silent by asking a bit rudely

"the fuck you looking at?" i said

"oh um sorry it's just that your baby bump is so adorable" she said 

"um i guess..." i said dryly 

i walked away from her and started looking for my classes all of people looked at me all weird like if they never seen someone pregnant smh

 The bell went off and that way i knew that i was late to class cause everyone was running towards their classes. 

I found my first period class and it was history when i walked in the whole class turned around and stared at me. 

" Good Morning young lady how may i help you" the teacher asked me 

"um i believe im in your class.." i walked over and handed him my schedule  

"yes you are young lady um you can take a seat where ever theirs an open space ok" he said while handing me back my schedule.

The rest of the class was boring and i felt supper nauseous. 

The whole day went by and i was stuck in last period which i had art. 

I walked in and took a seat i put in my air pods and waited for the class to start.

I felt someone sit next to me so i looked up and seen Christopher.

"Oh shii hey Amani" he said while opening his arms for a hug and a big smile.

"hey Christopher how you been" i said nervously 

"well apart from yesterday ive been great how are you and the baby?" he asked 

"well babies and were doing fine" 

"looks like you got your plate full" he said 

During the whole class he we talked and laughed a lot when i was around Christopher i was smiling all the time and my whole mood would change when he even smiles at me.

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