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Hearing that killed me it filled me with rage, i just wanted my kids back i appreciate Derrick for the good things he did but no i want them they're mine not his.. he has no part in this

I get it you and Jayshawn were like brothers but i don't care. I will do whatever I need to do to get my girls back.

I walked back in the house and seen Myzel in the kitchen, he looked disturbed

"your gonna tell me exactly what happened out there and what the hell as derrick talking about i heard everything so there's no need to lie ." he said

My heart dropped to my ass. I never really told Derrick why the girls were taken away from me and I'm scared of how he's going to react.

We sat down and talked. He looked at me with disgust .

"I can't believe you never told me this Amani what the hell, imma pack some of my stuff and go to a hotel. You stay here. I need some space to think about this."

"MYZEL PLEASE STOP I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T TELL YOU SOON PLEASE DON'T LEAVE" I said sobbing I held on to his arm, but shook me off and I fell on the ground.

He went upstairs to pack his clothes while I sat in the living room crying my eyes out.

he came back downstairs and looked at me one more time and slammed the door leaving me in the dark.

Next thing i knew i woke up on the ground, i must have fallen asleep there. I got up and headed upstairs. I checked our room to realize that it's true what happened last night.

He left me, i went into the bathroom and checked the cabinets for pills, i was in pain, my girls were taken from me, the love of life left me, and i'm pregnant and afraid that i'm not going to be a good mother to my unborn.

I opened the faucet and filled a cup with water. I took the pills and started chugging them down, 10 mins later I started to feel dizzy.


What i did last night didnt fell right with me im just scared to lose the girls but Amani has changed and i want to give her a chance to be around the girls life.

I got up and started to get me and the girls ready, i was going to go over and set this right.

I pulled up to her house and walked up to the door and knocked when i knocked the door it opened slowly, like if someone left it open.

"AMANIII!" i yelled . no response i went around the house and started looking through every room. Till i got to one with messy opened dressers i started to walk around the room .

I saw the bathroom light was on, so I walked in. and all I see is Amani on the floor with a bottle of pills next to her.

I quickly picked her and threw her on my shoulders. I got the girls in the car as quickly as possible. I rushed to the hospital. Tears started to fill my eyes.

The love of my life as soon to be dead. I thought i was over her but i just cant shes just amazing in every way, every flaw of hers is perfect. I got to the hospital and ran in.

"HELP HELP I NEED A DOCTOR NOWWW" doctors and nurses came out helping to get Amani out.

"What happened to her ?" the doctor asked.

"I'm not sure I found her passed out next to a bottle of pills doc please save her." I said.

I got the girls out of the car and into the waiting room. I gave them both their tablets so they can be distracted from what's happening.

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