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It was 5 in the morning when i heard the door bell ringing i got up and put on my sandals to see who it was, i couldn't see very clearly but he looked like my dad i went upstairs to wake up Derrick that was sleeping in the guest room

"Derrick wake up theres somebody at the door" i sad

"Who the fuck is at the door at 5 in the morning"he asked

"i dont know i have a feeling it's my dad"

"ok i'll check  where's my gun" 

"wtf do you need a gun for??" 

"um in case he tries something"

the door bell kept on ringing and ringing "HOLD ON!" Derrick yelled

He opened the door with his glock on his side, i was upstairs just looking if that really was my dad which it was.

"Yeah um does Amani Sanchez live here?" he said

"Nah i dont know any Amani in this area i just moved here about two weeks ago" derrick said

"ok thats fine and sorry for disturbing you at such early hours" he said 

Derrick just nodded and closed the door the second he closed the door i let out a sigh of relive 

"You know what that means right?" Derrick asked

"Yeah that my dad is after me" 

"No it means were leaving now because he aint believe me and hes going to go get back up so go get your suitcase so we can leave the flight is at 7 am so hurry" he explained

I nodded in agreement to what he had said I went upstairs and grabbed my suitcase and put them at the door so Derrick can take them down.

I went to the bathroom and took a really quick shower and did my other hygiene stuff i put my hair up in a bun and put on some leggings with a random shirt i found laying on the ground with my nike joggers

I went to the bathroom and took a really quick shower and did my other hygiene stuff i put my hair up in a bun and put on some leggings with a random shirt i found laying on the ground with my nike joggers

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I the shirt i had on had cover my baby bump im kind of ashamed to be pregnant at such a young age and having twins im going to all big and ugh im gonna be more insecure about my body then i was before.

I went down stairs and grabbed my wallet and purse Derrick opened the door and we started going outside and started putting everything in the trunk of the car as i got in a saw that the door was left open so i went to go close it 

"Where the hell are you going" Derrick asked 

"to go close the got damn door dumbass" i said

"no leave it like that there gonna know somethings up" Derrick said 

i just shook my head he started driving as soon as we got on the highway it was already 6 am and the sun was beginning to rise i noticed that my morning sickness was already coming to attack me i quickly grabbed a plastic bag from the back seat.

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