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Myzel and I had a very exhausting day of shopping and spending time together yesterday. We we went out to get breakfast. when we pulled up to the driveway I saw a blue jeep right in front of the house. It had tinted windows and I got a little paranoid.

The driver side door opened and there I saw Derrick, I just stared at him then went to the back seat and took two little girls out. they were hiding behind his legs.

"Are those-" i said

"Yes" he said

"This is Julianna," he said, giving one of the girls a light push towards me.

"And this is Dianna" he said

Tears filled my eyes "are you our mommy" said Julianna. "yes i am" i said "did you talk bad about me to them" i said to Derrick.

"I would never do that you know me and i'm not like that, i simply told them that mommy was sick and that when you got better i was going to take you to them." he said.


I saw this tall guy. He must have been Myzel the one CJ told me about, I waved at him and he waved back.

"Well why don't we go inside girls and Derrick you can join us if you want to" Myzel said.

"no its okay Amani you can keep them for the day i'll be back before lunch i have to go see some people." i gave Myzel the girls back and hopped in my car.

"wait Derrick." Amani said.

"I'll be here at 12:30 to pick you and the girls up maybe we can catch up we need to talk some stuff out." i said to her. Amani looked back at Myzel and he nodded his head.

"Yeah that's fine see you later" she said.

"bye daddy" juju and dd waved at me.

After i dropped the girls off with Amani i went straight to CJ, CJ has been on the low ever since  i left, the day after i left the opps attacked our trap house and took everything, except the money in the basement which was all locked up and only i could get in there. 

I headed to the trap house and parked about three blocks away from there so i wont make it to hot.   I seen CJ and he looked horrible, like if his whole life fell apart.

"Man what happened to you?"  i said 

CJ busted into tears I quickly grabbed him and hugged him.

"Layla died last week" he said while he sobbed.

"she was gonna have our second child man" he said

"CJ second?? Their was a first one?" i said 

"yeah shes two years old i aint tell you man cause i wanted it to be a surprise" he said wiping his tears

"how did she die?" 

"car accident shes was 6 months pregnant we was finna have a boy man" he said while looking down 

"im so sorry man you know im here for you always man i love you dawg" i said hugging him again.

After awhile of more talking we went inside the trap house and into the basement, i put my hand print on the screen that opens up the safe. we walked in and closed. There was a lot of money in this bitch... 

We started grabbing duffel bags and suitcases and filling them up me and CJ split it 50 50 each. I quickly went and got my car and drove to the front and started putting all the suitcases in. 

After that me and CJ headed to his place, "daddyyyy " i heard a little girl scream.

"hi mamas this is uncle Derrick" he said pointing to me 

She was so beautiful made me miss my girls even more. The little girl ran to me and gave me a hug its like if she already knew me. 

I gave her a kiss and put her down. "what's your name princess" i asked 

"nigga shes two she can barely say water" CJ said 

i smacked my teeth "her name is Ariel" he said "Layla chose it" and with that he put his head down. I pat his back.

I felt a strong smack on the back of my head.   "wtf" i said and turned around to see Mama J, Mama J is CJ's mom.

"Boy i know you aint coming here aint say shit to me and than swear in mah house" she semi yelled

I felt another hard smacked on my face, by her. 

"Mah fault Mama J how you doing." i said as i reached down to give her a kiss and a hug.

CJ tapped me and signaled towards his room so we can count up the money.

We started counting, time went by and it was already 10pm, i checked my phone to see 8 miss calls from Amani i knew i fucked up but she'll be fine. 

In total there was 60 million dollars. I took 30 and CJ took 30. 

We got everything together and i headed out to go get the girls. on my way i stopped by to pick up some food for the girls and I. 

i called Amani to bring e the girls outside. 

"hello?" Amani said with a sleepy voice.

"Sorry for flopping today i was really busy and shii but can you bring me the girls im outside"

"yea sure " Amani. 

Amani brought Dianna on her shoulders and Juju was sleep walking.

"DAWWDYYY" JuJu said while running to me  

I gave her a kiss and strapped her up in the car seat. 

"Goodnight Amani" i said 

"wait ... your not gonna tell me why you didnt show up?" she said 

"theirs no need to tell you .. i was handling business that's all you need to know." i said i wanted to keep Amani away from me i didnt want her close at all. 

"Theirs no need for you to be a dick to me" she said 

" im not being a dick im just being straight up" i said 

"im pregnant Derrick, and im taking you to court i want my kids back and i dont want you in their life no more" she said 

"take me to court lets see if your gonna end up choosing drugs over the kid your carrying" i said with that she slapped me in face. she lucky i dont turn into chris brown. 

"how dare you say that Derrick, i've changed and what i did in the past doesn't defy me." she said 

"i'll bring the papers tomorrow" i said with a mean mug 

"what papers?" she said 

"i knew you were going to do this so i acted fast, when we left i took a trip to my lawyer. we went to court since you were beat up in a bed you couldn't do much. your little boyfriend Christopher yeah he helped me out he gave his side of the story on how you choose drugs over your kids and the judge didn't think twice into giving me full custody, i will always be a step ahead of you Amani have fun with that lil seed your carrying." and with that i sped off. 

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