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Okay, since this book has officially became a shitpost book, let's talk about predictions.

Because, I shit you not, my prediction has becoming more and more accurate these days (not just for Hypmic, but other things). I only use cards to make predictions for fun and not serious at all. Am I a fucking psychic? Nah, doubt it.

A few of my predictions ever since I joined the fandom (last year):

- Samatoki's sister would be at least a teenager (already proven right).
At the time, a lot of people predicted that she would be a preteen or younger (like a grade schooler). I always thought that would be impossible, since his parents died when he was young. If she is that much younger than him, she wouldn't exist. So I thought that maybe she's a highschooler or possibly older, I can't believe I got that right. My bullshit powers were on fire that day.

- Ramuda will show more of his 'true colors' to more people in the future.
This one's pretty self-explanatory.

- Ramuda would "betray" everyone.
By this, I mean that I think that he would pretend to side with the government (thus "betraying" everyone) only for him to stab the government in the back (figuratively or literally). Or maybe he's just here to fuck shit up, just completely Komaeda'd them all. I'm pretty skeptical about this one, but it's not that far-fetched.

- if they're gonna add more division, I think that they'll add at least two or an even numbers of divisions. Also, if they're gonna add more characters, I think that they'll add more teenage characters to balance out the casts.

- Saburo will have his first friend around his age. I still believe in this one, dammit! Let the boy have friends! Also, I kinda see the possibility of him getting a girl/boyfriend in the future (very skeptical about this one). I know, even I'm surprised by my own prediction.

That is all I have for now

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