Do y'all ever think about how Dice is 77kg

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Okay, since this book has officially became my shitposting book, I will write about this thought I've had for a while.

So Dice is 77kg which makes him the heaviest character in the entirety of Hypmic, even heavier than giants like Riou or Jakurai. Yet he seems to have the same physique as Gentaro who is significantly lighter than him, which leads to three possibilities:

1. He's 77kg of pure muscle (which I find incredibly hard to believe). If that's the case, he's probably one of the strongest (physically) character in the series. Even Riou himself thought that Dice would make a good soldier (no joke).

2. He has Big Bones™, it's a huge possibility. Because I too have big bones and significantly heavier than most girls my age yet I have the average physique of a highschooler. Maybe he just has the bones of steel.

3. He's Dummy Thicc™ and the claps of his asscheeks keeps alerting his opponents and that's how FP lost (I can't fucking believe what I just wrote).

Seriously, how the fuck is he so heavy even though he often lives in poverty and barely eats every day? This is gonna haunt me forever.

Let me know what do you think in the comments or whatever, I guess.

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