Not an update but I've got some tea to spill

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Warning: I'm gonna be talking nonsense in this

Can I just say that I sometimes cringe at how "westernized" anime/manga fanfictions (that are usually supposed to take place in Asia, mainly Japan) are as an Asian? This also apparently applies to K-pop fanfiction

Like it's not that big of a deal, but it's just the little things, like a day off on Saturday. I don't think that there are many Asian countries that actually has days off in Saturdays. Heck, I live in South East Asia and they only give a day off on Sunday in some countries (I live in Indonesia and the only city where they give you two day offs is in Jakarta and nowhere else...I think). I'm pretty sure that they don't have a day off on Saturday in Japan, now y'all know why Doppo is so fucking tired. It really be like that sometimes.

Another small thing is how casual y'all say the L word. I can't even say it in my native language without dying of embarrassment, not even to my own mother. Y'all know how Soseki Natsume translate "I love you" to "the moon is beautiful tonight" (..or something like that)? It's kinda like that. That's pretty much why we often see people use "like" instead of "love" in confession scenes in anime/manga. Not to mention how the pickup lines are just so... Western (Idk how to explain it sksksks). How can y'all be that straightforward, I just asdjshjfjjfs

Another thing is that sometimes the author puts extra characters with out-of-place names without any explanation why and it always caught me off guard

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Another thing is that sometimes the author puts extra characters with out-of-place names without any explanation why and it always caught me off guard. Example: *fanfiction takes place in a Japanese highschool* "sO THIS BITCH JENNIFER JUST STOLE MY PURSE AND SLAPPED ME WITH HER CROCS" like what the fuck? Maybe it would make sense if they're like, a foreign exchange student, but the author never really explain that part. So western names in Asian fanfictions will always catch me off guard. Look, I know that western names kinda got popular in the East (pretty much how I got my name), but please take a moment to reconsider because it makes my fellow Asians cringe too sometimes. My sis was reading a fanfiction that supposedly takes place in Korea the other day and she said "if I take a shot every time a random western name pops up out of nowhere, I would be dead" lol

Now that that's out of the way, there're also times where they just wrote events that I personally think more commonly happen in the west. For example, y'know one of those "house parties" were teenagers do underage drinking and illegal drugs. Underage drinking is illegal, I repeat; illegal. I don't know about other Asian countries but I can never imagine any teenager throwing a house party without their moms kicking their asses with belts and slippers.

Speaking of drugs, you do know that drugs are illegal right? Like, if you're caught with one, that's it. You're done. Your career is over. You either go to jail or rehab, depending on the laws in your country. I can name an example for this; the actor Pierre Taki was arrested for cocaine use. He played Kyohei Hamura in Judgement and Sega had to quickly recast his role in the western release to avoid the controversy (basically they don't want anything to do with him). That's just how serious it is. Don't do drugs kids, it ruins and takes lives everyday, this is why Juto hates drugs (wow, this is starting to sound like a psa or something).

Another thing I would like to talk about is 'Yandere' fanfiction. I mean, I won't judge or kink shame you for it. But I just can't romanticize these kinds of 'love' story, it's wrong and twisted. Literally, the only reason I kinda enjoy these kinds of story is that I was curious about what would the characters do and their motives, etc (kinda like why people would like American Psycho). Personally, if I ever wanted to write these kinds of story, I would never in any way romanticize it, because it's sick. When people say stuff like "OMG, I want a yandere bf/gf!" I'm like ??????? You want a clinically insane partner who's creepily obsessive???? I- w h a t.
This Tumblr perfectly summarized my point

That aside, I won't judge you if you're into that kind of foreplay

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That aside, I won't judge you if you're into that kind of foreplay. Again, I'm not here to kinkshame anybody.

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