A disaster in the making

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Okay, so I was writing a short murder mystery story to practice for a writing test so I can go to UI (University of Indonesia) because they apparently has those (I know that I'm supposed to be writing an essay but it gets my brain juice flowing and I'm pretty good at bullshiting). But I keep hitting dead ends so I was like "fuck this shit" and just ditched it.

And then I had this incredibly stupid idea of making a parody of My Immortal with Hypmic characters. I won't write the full version though, I'm probably gonna stop at chapter 20 or 30ish because I still need what's left of my sanity and will to live.

Yes, I'm not joking.

I can't draw, so I made a shitty edit of a cover instead

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I can't draw, so I made a shitty edit of a cover instead

Also, casting the role proved to be way harder than I thought because apparently there are a lot of characters in Hypmic

Also, casting the role proved to be way harder than I thought because apparently there are a lot of characters in Hypmic

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Edit: Riou is Diablo

I still laugh at the thought of Jakurai yelling "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUCKERS?!"

If you have any suggestions of who's who, please let me know. I'm losing my marbles.

Update: I almost finished chapter one and I already lost some of my brain cells

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