This Wasn't Like Star Wars

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I looked down at my blood covered wrists. This was not what I had planned. I had major plans after I graduated, but that all got thrown into the wind. The Director of Project Freelancer had come to me and offered me a job. He promised I was going to be safe. He said that it was in my best interest to go. It seemed simple, it wasn't.

I was going to die in some godforsaken warehouse surrounded by idiots. I glanced to the body of the soldier that had been sent with me. This was supposed to be a quick data retrieval mission. Now, I was tied to a chair sans armor.

"Rhode Island," I heard crackle through the radio in my helmet. "Rhode Island, do you copy?" That was Carolina.

One of my captors moved over to where the helmet lay on the floor. He picked it up. The minute he did, a sniper shot rang out and killed him. Carolina and two other soldiers came into the room. They quickly took out my captors.

"I thought you said you had this?" Carolina questioned.

"I did," I told her, "Dumbass over there triggered the alarm. The arseholes were bigger than me."

She tsked, "We're gonna have to train you in hand to hand."

"Are ye steamin'? We're not gonna train me in shit. I'm done. I will gladly sit on the ship in front of a computer."

"Sure thing, kid."

"Just get me out of this."

She moved to cut the ropes around the wrist. She placed her hand on mine.

"Don't," I snapped.

She moved it quickly, "What?"

"They broke my hand. Told me I wasn't going to be using a keyboard anytime soon. It's bullshit."

"Okay, relax. You're gonna be fine."

"We need to go!" came a familiar voice. I looked up at Carolina.

"They're here," I hissed, "Why are they here?"

"They're part of my team," she answered, "You knew they were going to find out about you at some point."

"Yes, but not like this."

Carolina looked up at Raelyn, "What's going on?"

"Reinforcements coming in hot," she answered.

"Right. North, cover us. We're one our way. South grab Rhode Island."

"I can walk," I snapped.

"Riley?" Raelyn questioned.

"Not now," I hissed, "Where's my armor?"

"You're not putting that back on," Carolina told me.

"I'm not putting it back on." I walked over to it and grabbed the drive, since that was the whole reason in was in this mess. I then grabbed the pistol and started for the door. No one said anything as we made our way to the Pelican. I sat in a seat and focused my gaze on the floor. I could feel Raelyn and Ryan watching me the whole flight back. They clearly weren't sure how to approach me.

When we got back to the Mother of Invention, the Director was waiting for us in the landing bay. I handed him the drive.

"Everything is there, sir."

"Good work, Agent."

I inclined my head, "I'm going to the med bay."

"Of course." He went to talk to the others. As I walked out I could hear Raelyn start yelling. I headed down to the med bay to get my hand fixed. Or well, that's what I thought I was doing. I never made it out of the hangar. I blacked out as soon as the adrenaline left me.

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