Chapter One

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Tom knew Tord was hiding something, and he wasn't going to wait around to find out what it was. Heading back to his room, Tom started snooping around, looking for anything that seemed out of place. At first he found nothing, but then he reminded himself that this did in fact used to be Tord's bedroom, so he had to look for things that were there when he switched rooms. His eyes moved to the portrait of Tord that he had written "Tord Smells" and drew devil horns and a tail on, with permanent black sharpie. He reached out and removed it. Behind it, was a big red button with a skull on it and the word danger in all caps above it. Tom reached out to push it, only for his hand to hit solid. Surprisingly, there was another painting behind the other. Frustrated, he quickly removed it, revealing a large lever. He grabbed it and pulled. There was a sound unlike a garage door opening, he turned to see his bedroom wall lifting, revealing some sort of hidden lab behind it. Cautiously, Tom stepped forward. It was a small room with many panels and colorful buttons. Not knowing what else to do, he began sorting through everything on Tord's desk. He picked up a large file to move it to the side, however, something slipped out. That's when it caught his attention. A thin piece of paper with a strange image printed on it. He reached over, and picked it up.

"What the fuck?" he said, staring at it closer.

It seemed to be a wanted picture, but of Tord.

He knew something wasn't right with him.

Placing the poster in his pocket, his is eyes then wandered until they landed on what looked to be an overpriced chemistry kit. He walked over and picked up one of the bottles, examining it. It was filled with some sort of purple liquid and smelled surprisingly like cinnamon. Tom was about to set it back down, when he heard someone clear their throat behind him. Spinning around quickly, he came face to face with the one person he definitely didn't want to see.

Tord stood glaring at him with his arms folded across his chest.

"Tom, what are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing."

"Tom, Tom, Tom," Tord said, shaking his head and taking a step closer with each word, "I'm only here to take back what's mine."

"Stop," Tom ordered, raising his bottle of strange liquid, "or I'll drop it."

Tord frowned, but stayed where he was.

"I always knew there was something bad about you, I mean who would expect less, from a communist."

"Shut up!" Tord snapped.

"I know you're some wanted criminal! What else are you hiding?" Tom asked.

He said nothing, glaring back coldly.

"So what? You came back here to kill us all right? Of course you did. And you know why? Because you're a dirty backstabbing traitor."

Tord let out a furious cry, launching himself at Tom.

Tom backed up, trying to get away, before he was crushed by Tord, landing hard on his back. Most likely he was going to have a few bruises in the morning.

He had managed to keep the bottle from spilling, but was suddenly grabbed forcefully by his hood.

"Take it back!" Tord screamed at him.

"Fuck off!" Tom yelled back.

Tord brought his fist back and slammed it into his face. Tom cried out, bringing his hand to his nose as his whole face erupted in pain.

Tord's eyes traveled to the bottle in his hand, and he frowned.

"Give that back," he snarled, grabbing for it.

"No!" Tom growled, pulling it out of his reach.

"I said give it back!"

Tord jumped, grabbing the bottle and pulling it towards him, however, Tom still had his fingers wrapped tightly around it and was desperately trying to take it back.

Finally one of them held on too tight, causing it too break, spilling all of its contents on the both of them.

"Ah! What the fuck?!" Tom yelled, "It burns!"

He desperately tried to remove his hoodie, as the acid-like liquid was absorbed into it.

It hurt, it hurt so much. It felt like his whole body was on fire, burning deep within his veins. He screamed, tears streaming down his face. He managed to look down at Tord, who was still lying on top of him. His eyes were closed, but tears could still be seen running down his face. He had passed out from the pain. Tom wasn't far behind, his eyes losing their focus, and then falling shut.

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