Chapter Ten

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Tord had been acting strangely that morning, Tom decided. He kept his answers short and broad when any of them asked him a question. And whenever Tom asked him if he was okay, he would only say he's fine, although it was clear that he wasn't. Tom figured it must have been the nightmare he had that night. But everything was He didn't know if it was because they were literally connected, or if it was the bond that they had formed together in the past days, but Tom could feel Tord's despair, and he didn't like it.

It was funny however. Before all of this happened, they couldn't stand each other. Couldn't even be in the same room without ripping the other apart with their vicious words. Now here they were, having conversations that didn't end in violence. And then there were all these feelings that he didn't understand. His heart would speed up whenever their legs touched. And he never felt anything better then when Tord's fighters ran through their hair. It was so strange. He had never felt anything like this before. Now if this was some romantic comedy movie, he would say he's in love, but it's not, so he isn't.

They were sitting on the couch, watching tv. Tord had the remote in his hand, and was staring at the screen with a lidded eye. Edd and Matt had to leave again, he had a feeling on what that was about. And although he enjoyed the peace and quiet, now he and Tord were the only ones home and Tom was getting that fuzzy feeling in his stomach again.

“Do you want to watch something else?” Tord suddenly asked him.

“Uh, no I'm okay, you watch whatever you want,” he stammered.

“Good, because this show sucks dick,” he said, changing the channel, until he found something he liked. Which just so happened to be a show about murderers. He hoped Tord wasn't getting any ideas. That sure would suck, having to stay like this, and then get stabbed in the chest thirty times as soon as it was over.

“Holy hell, that chick helped kill all those people because she fell in love with the killer? Wow! I mean I heard that love made you do crazy things but damn!”

He was right, love did make you do crazy things, and right now his heart was telling him to do something absolutely insane.

“I mean seriously, if you're going to kill someone, you don't just leave the body out in the open. And you definitely don't kill anyone close to you. Fucking idiot.”

Tord was right, he was an idiot. How could he even be considering it? It was all going to go to shit anyway, there was no way Tord was going to let him walk away alive. His brain was screaming at him to stop, but his heart was telling him that if he didn't do it then, he would never get the chance to. Which was also stupid, because of course there would be other chances. Right?

“Oh my fucking God! Just- No! What are you doing?! You just left your prints all over the body!” Tord screamed at the screen, throwing his hand into the air and allowing it to hit his thigh with a loud slap. “Can you believe all this shit T-”

Tom's arm was suddenly wrapped tightly around his waist, pinning his arm to his side. He froze, not knowing what to do. His mind was running wild from, why the hell is Tom hugging me? To why the hell am I not pushing him away?

“Tom? What the fuck are you doing?” he finally asked.

“I don't know!” he cried.

“Well can you let go? You're putting wrinkles in my side of the hoodie.”

“No! I wan- need to tell you something!”

“What is it, because I-”

“I think I love you!”

“have to- What?”

“I said, I think-”

“No I heard what you said, I meant what the fuck?!”

“I know you don't feel the same but I just wanted you to know because-”

“Get the fuck off me,” Tord yelled, pushing Tom's arm away.

Tord please! I'm sorry!”

“How could you?”

“I don't know! It just happened! I tried to deny it but I can't, because I like you Tord.”

“No you don't.”

“I do! I do like you Tord!”


They both had tears streaming down their face, neither bothering to wipe them off.

“Because you're kind, funny, caring, sweet, and the only one who doesn't judge me for who I am!”

“Well you're wrong! Because I'm not any of those things! I'm cruel, cold hearted, bitter, and evil!”

“No you're not!”

“Shut up Thomas, you're so fucking annoying! Just shut the hell up! You always think everything's about you! Oh I'm Tom, and I'm sad because my mommy and daddy died.”

“Stop it Tord!”

“And none of my friends like me, because I'm a piece of shit, who only knows how to get wasted and make everyone hate me!”

“Shut up!”

“I hate you Thomas! And if were weren't in the same body, I would have killed you a long time ago!”

“You're just saying these things because you're angry, you don't mean them!”

“I do! I do mean them, because my life was going great until you showed up and ruined everything! This is all your fault!”

Tord please!”

Tom went to grab Tord's hand, but he slapped it away.

“Don't touch me you- you fag! I wish you would just disappear!”

Just as those words left Tord’s mouth, a bright light suddenly emitted from their chest, surrounding them. Then there was a flash, and everything went dark.

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