Chapter Twelve

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They were wrong. He didn't care for Tom at all. He hated him in fact. Despised the way his hair defied gravity and how endless his eyes look, and how he felt he could stare into them forever. Hated how he smelled of booze and misery, and that smirk that seemed to only ever be reserved for him. Hated all of it. If it wasn't for him, he would have already took over the world. Classic stupid Tom, always ruining everything. Told didn't care where he went, he was glad Tom was gone. Without him, he could finally go back to being the feared leader that he was. However, he no longer felt the power that used to run through his veins at the very thought of death. Instead the thought of killing someone for fun bored and sickened him. There was seriously something wrong.

Never in his life had he questioned what he wanted. There was no room for personal thoughts in his line of work. Questions lead to suspicion, and suspicion usually lead to a quick and brutal death. That was how it always was, and Tord accepted it a long time ago. It was one of the reasons why he lasted so long. However, that nightmare had alerted him to the possibility that perhaps what he was doing was wrong. Of course if he were to ever voice his thoughts out loud, he would surely have a bullet stuck between his eyes within two seconds. And that's what bothered him. One wrong move and he would be dead, his body rotting in a morgue or buried six feet in the ground covered in maggots. Told suddenly realized that he didn't have as much power as he thought he did. In fact, his status was at the very bottom. He might give out orders and keep everything running, but none of that mattered if he didn't have his people's trust. If someone wanted to kill him, they could easily do so. He had no strengths. Even his own soldiers had out matched him at times.

For the first time in his life, he realized that his job might actually kill him, and no one would care.

They would care, his brain supplied. That was true. The only people who would moran for him were the people standing in the next room. And I was going to kill them.

What a great friend he was, attempting to murder the only ones who truly cared about him. Well, really that was only Edd. Tord wasn't sure if Matt even remembered him at all, and Tom should hate his guts. But at least none of them would betray him. He never had to worry if they would suffocate him in his sleep, besides Tom, or poison his food, also Tom.

Tom. He had said he loved him. That was the first time those words were ever spoken to him. He never thought he would hear them ever in his life, especially not by someone who hated him. God he was such an idiot. He didn't really mean the things he said. He didn't care if Tom was gay, or bi, or pan. It didn't matter to him. But Tord couldn’t get his words out of his head. Tom didn't say he loved boys, he said he loved him. And Tord didn't understand it. How could anyone love him? There was nothing special about him. He wasn't smart, or funny, or even kind. He was a murderer who enjoyed torturing others for pure entertainment. People like him didn't deserve love.

But Tom, he did. Yes, he was a blackout drunk, but he was also caring, understanding, and would do anything to protect his friends. He was the kind of guy that everyone wanted. Someone who would just be there. Someone to talk to, and listen to all your problems. He knew there was someone out there for Tom, it just wasn't him.

Tord let out a loud sob, as tears began to run down his face.

But he ruined everything with his venomous words. Because of him, Tom would never find love. Tom was gone, and Tord didn't think he was ever coming back.

He cried long and hard, not caring who heard him, praying to whatever god that Tom could come back some day.

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