Chapter Four

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“So what you're saying is that a magical wizard with a lightning bolt scar came flying down from the sky, riding on broom, saw you guys fighting, and cursed you into this?” Edd asked them.


“Hhm...makes sense.”

They nodded, stuffing their face with pizza.

“So did he tell you how to break the curse?”

“No,” they said, taking another bite.

“Can you find out or som-”


“So what? You're just going to be stuck like this for the rest of your lives?”

Tom and Tord stopped chewing, and a sad shocked expression crossed their face.

“Yeah I guess.”

“Okay then,” Edd said, standing up, “I think I'll go back to bed. It's too early for me to be thinking right now, we'll talk about it more in the morning, or later afternoon, depends on how long I want to sleep in. Night Torm!”

“Ni- wait! What did you call us?

“Uh, Torm. You know Tom and Tord, you mix them together and it makes Torm. It's a lot easier then saying Tom and Tord.”

“Fine, but we don't like it.”

“Okay! Goodnight, don't let the bed bugs bite!”

“Night Edd.”


They headed back to Tom's bedroom, changing into pajamas as awkwardly as you would expect, and quietly got into bed.

They laid there in silence for a few minutes, before Tord spoke up.

“I don't think I can sleep.”

“Yeah, I don't think I can either.”

“How long do you think we're going to be like this?”

“I don't know, probably forever.”

“I don't want to be stuck with you,” Tord whispered, a single tear falling from his eye.

“Well neither do I! It's not like you're the perfect body roommate or anything!”

“Shut up!”

They were both crying now, but neither one wanted to call the other out for it. Maybe it was for the best that they didn't.

Neither one said anything after that, only stared up at the ceiling, crying silently, until they both fell asleep.

Tom was awoken by a loud beeping coming from his alarm clock. Grabbing it, he threw it across the room, and smiled in satisfaction at the sound of it slamming against the wall.

“Take that you stupid alarm clock!”

“Tom what the fuck?” came Tord's angry voice. “It's fucking six in the morning, on a Saturday!”

“Well sorry, guess you'll just have to get used to waking up early then.”

“Fuck off!”

“Torm! Time for breakfast!” Edd yelled from the kitchen, the smell of bacon hitting their nose.

“You heard the man, get dress!”

“You have to help you lazy fuck!”

Twenty minutes later they were all seated at the table, a full plate of bacon, eggs, and toast, sitting in front of them.

“Oh Torm,” Edd started, “I’ve been meaning to tell you...”

Edd raised a spoon full of colorful fruit loops to his mouth.

“Nyamnyamnyamnyamnyam,” he said, cereal flying out of his mouth.

“Oh no, you're not doing this again, explain what you just said.”

Edd opened his mouth.

“No! Chew your food first!”

Once he was finished, Edd continued, “I said, Matt and I are going to a concert tomorrow night, and will be leaving first thing in the morning, so you and Tord have the house to yourselves.”

“Edd I don't think-”


“Here we go.”

“You're going to leave me here alone, with him?!”

“Well I thought that maybe you guys needed some time to get used to all this,” Edd said, gesturing towards them.

“I don't want to get used to it Edd! I don't want to be like this!”

“Tord, you don't know how long this is going to have to start thinking that maybe this is permanent…”

“Shut up!”


“No! I don't want to be stuck like this for the rest of my life!”

“Well neither do I! So stop thinking only about yourself!”

“Fuck you Jehovah's witness! You have no idea-”

“No fuck you Commie! I have every idea, because I'm in the same fucking body as you!”

“Guys!” Matt yelled. “Please stop fighting…”

Tom sighed, “I'm sorry Matt, I-we didn't mean to upset you.”

“Yeah, sorry Matt.”

“It's okay, just please don't fight. I don't want anyone to get hurt.”

“We understand.”

“We'll try not to fight anymore.”

“Or at least not around you guys.”

“Thank you.”

“So I was thinking that we could all go to the store together,” Edd added.


“We're running low on Cola.”


“So we'll finish breakfast and then go?”


Edd smiled at them, and they couldn't help but smile back.

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