Chapter Thirteen

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Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Three to be exact. That was how long it had been since Tom disappeared. Things had become worse. Although Matt and Edd had gotten together during that time, they still suffered from severe depression. But for Tord it was more damaging. He cut himself off from the world entirely, locking himself in Tom's room, and only coming out to eat and go to the bathroom. And even then, he would often skip most meals for days. Each day Tord grew thinner and thinner. The bags underneath his eyes became darker and more defined. His grey lifeless eyes sunk into his skin, making him look like death himself. He rarely ever spoke, and when he did, it was barely even audible.

During the first few days, certain marks appears on his wrist. Tord didn't bother hiding them and didn't reply when Edd asked about them at the dinner table. After a few weeks, the marks disappeared, the cuts not deep enough to leave a scar, and that was the last time they were seen.

Tord then learned to play the guitar. It started one day when he discovered some of the songs Tom had written tucked away deep in his closet. Their words pierced his soul. It was almost like they were for him. He quickly learned to play Susan, imagining that it was Tom who was playing for him instead. The soft music could often be heard from behind locked doors, it's sad melody filling the empty house. Until that too disappeared.

Similar to glass, they were cracking, and soon they would break until nothing would be left besides the broken shards. But then a miracle happened.

It was on a normal day. There was nothing special about it. It had been four months since Tom disappeared. Tord was in his room, staring blankly at the ceiling. At the moment he was trying to count all of the weirdly colored stains. So far he had counted thirty. There was a soft knock at the door, and he sighed.

“I'm not hungry,” he said, turning towards the wall.

The person knocked again.

“Edd, I said I'm not hungry!”

They knocked again, louder.

Tord growled, ripping the blanket off of him, and jumping out of the bed. He stormed to the door, pulling it open with such force, it shook the frame.

“What do yo-”

His words stuck in his throat.

His wide grey eyes met two black voids, and he almost started crying right then and there.

“Tom? Is that really you?”

Tom smiled, “Well who else do you know that looks like this?”

Tord started laughing, and within seconds he was crying.

Tom's arms were suddenly pulling his body into his, wrapping around his waist.

“I'm so sorry!” he cried, holding onto Tom as if at any second he could disappear again.

“I know.”

“I do love you Tom! I do!”

Tom hugged him tighter, “I love you too Tord, I always will.”

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