Chapter Three

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When Tord awoke it was still dark out, the moon casting shadows all around Tom's room. Tom must have been still asleep, since he couldn't move anything on his right side. His stomach growled loudly. And although he knew that Tom would be angry at him for waking him up, he wasn't going to let that stop him from getting something to eat.

“Tom?” he asked, using his left arm to shake his right side.

“Tom wake up!”

“What?” he said groggily.

“I'm hungry.”

“Then go get something.”

“I can't go anywhere without you idiot, we're in the same fucking body!”

“Oh, right.”

They crawled out of bed and stumbled over to the door, putting their ear against the door.

“You hear anything?” Tom asked him.

“I can't if you won’t shut up.”

After a few seconds he said, “Okay, I don't hear anything.”

“Are you sure, Matt likes to stay up late sometimes.”

“Yes I'm sure!”

“Okay fine, let's go.”

They slowly opened the door, and stepped out, shutting the door softly behind them. They walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge looking for leftovers.

“What do you want?”

“Uh, pizza?”

“Sure, is cheese alright?”

“I guess.”

“I mean we also got Hawaiian, but I can't eat pineapples.”

“Why not?”

“My dad was a pineapple.”



“Cheese it is then.”

They pulled four pieces out of the box and placed them on a plate, then popped them into the microwave.

“How long?”

“I don't know just do two minutes.”

There was a moment of silence as they watched the plate spin around in circles, their face illuminated by the light of the microwave.

Tord started tapping the counter with his fingers, not realizing that he was doing it.

“Could you stop?” Tom snapped.

“God what's up your ass?”

“Nothing, I'm just tired.”

The microwave beeped, indicating it was done. Tord reached out to grabbed the plate.

“Careful it's h-”

“Ah fuck!” Tord cried, pulling his hand back.


“Don't say anything.”

“Fine, just grab a pot holder or something.”

“Why don't you do it?!”

Their eyes rolled.

“And don't you roll our eyes at me!”

“Calm down damn!”

Tom got a pot holder, grabbing the steaming hot plate, and bringing it over to the table.

“What do you want to drink?”

“Water's fine.”

They got a glass and filled it with water from the sink.

They turned around, and came face to face with a shocked ginger.

Tom's grip loosened, causing the glass to slip out if his hand, and crashing into the floor, shattering it into millions of tiny pieces.

“Matt? Is everything okay?” came Edd's voice from the other room.

Tom shook his head, mouthing the word no over and over again.

“Edd there's someone in our kitchen!”


“And they know my name!”

Edd came rushing in, a large baseball bat in his hands.

“Who are you and what are you doing in our kitchen?!” he yelled, placing one arm out in front of Matt.

“Wait Edd stop! It's me!”


“It's me Tom!”

“And Tord!”

Edd stared at them in confusion before saying, “Table. Now.”

They all sat down at the table, and listened to Tom and Tord explain how it all happened.

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