Chapter Five

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Once they had each finished their food, they all piled into the car and started driving to the store. Tom and Tord got the short end of the stick and had to sit in the back while Edd drove, and Matt got the front seat.

As Tom stared out the window, he could feel Tord's presence, almost like he was standing directly behind him. Tom could almost feel Tord's breath against his neck and it made him somewhat nervous. He had never been that close to another human being his entire life and it scared him at how much he yearned for that closeness. He told himself that it was from the lack of contact as a child, and then as an adult that caused that want, and it didn't matter that it was Tord. However, he knew that he did not feel the same way around Matt or Edd.

When they arrived at the store, Tom had a sudden wave of self-consciousness, and felt the need to put up his hoodie and hide his face. He walked behind Edd and Matt, trying to stay as close to them as possible.

As soon as they walked through the automatic doors, it felt like everyone's eyes fell on him. They wouldn't stop staring.

“Hey Jehovah's witness,” Tord whispered.

“What do you want Commie?”

“For you to calm down, I can see you clenching your fist so hard that your skin is turning white.”

Tom looked down to find that he was right, he hadn't even realized he was doing it. He slowly unclenched his fist, noticing the marks imprinted into his palm by his fingernails.

“Oh, yeah.”

“Just don't worry about them, they're just noisy ass people trying to get some excitement out of their boring ass lives.”


“Hey Torm?” Edd asked, turning around to face them.


“Could you bother go and get some more bacon, and then we also need milk, eggs, and canned food. Matt and I are going to go get the coke, cereal, bread, and pasta.”


“You guys take the cart, and we'll go grab a basket, okay?

“Sounds good.”

“Alright, we'll meet up back here.”

As Matt and Edd walked away, Tom felt a pang of anxiety, but quickly forced it down, as Tord grabbed onto the cart. They walked down the Dairy, Eggs & Cheese aisle, Tom allowed Tord to read out the ingredients on a list that Edd had gave them, while he grabbed the food and placed it in the cart.

“Okay, let's head over to the meat section and grab some bacon.”

They headed over, and Tom felt like his nerves were finally fading away, and he wasn't quite sure if it was because of Tord or not. He was just about to grab a pack of raw bacon, when someone bumped into him from behind.

“Hey watch it!” Tord cried.

Tom turned around to see a very started middle aged woman, staring back at him. And he froze, because he saw the fear in her eyes.

“Damn lady, watch where you're going next time!”

“I'm so sorry,” she said, quickly walking away.

“God, what's her problem?” Tord scoffed, watching her retreat.

However, Tom wasn't looking at her, nor was he listening to anything Tord was saying. He was more focused on the people around them. Their eyes bore into him, tearing the flesh from his body, exposing him. Their disgusted glances reached his soul, ripping him apart. The brick walls that once surrounded him, fell apart, spilling all of the emotions that he had buried deep down inside so many years ago.

Then there were the voices.


No matter what he did.


No matter what he said.


He would always be a


Tom screamed, grabbing onto his head.

“Stop!” he yelled. “Stop it!”

But they never did.

He felt it, their hatred.

Felt it deep down.

He couldn't stop it then, and he couldn't stop it now.

His thoughts were scattered, unintelligible, but he kept thinking one thing over and over again. He had to get out of there. Everyone was staring. Get out. Get out. Get out!

Tom let out a furious cry, and ran out of the store. He ran and ran, until he could run no more. He had probably ran about two miles, before he got exhausted. Hiding behind a building, Tom paused to catch his breath, panting heavily.

Tom could feel Tord's presence, but thankfully, he didn't say anything.

It wasn't until Tom had calmed down that Tord first spoke.


“Yeah?” Tom whispered, because in the moment, he didn't exactly trust himself not to break down and start crying.

“Are you okay?”

“No,” he admitted.

Slowly, Tord's arm wrapped around their stomach, holding tightly in a half self hug.

That was Tom's breaking point. He allowed the tears to fall, sobbing loudly as he too wrapped his arm around them. Tord didn't judge him, and Tom was thankful for that. And he would admit, it felt really good to receive a hug from someone, even if that person was technically himself.

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