Chapter Two

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When Tom woke up, he felt miserable. The pain was still there but not as extreme as it was before. He managed to sit up without so much as a loud groan. His head hurt like hell. It felt like someone has took a hammer and slammed it into his skull. It was also hard to see out of his left eye. Most likely it was swollen shut. Tom figured he must have hit it on something when he passed out. Looking around he saw a rag on the floor. He went to reach for it, but found he couldn't move his left arm. Panicking, he reached for the table behind him with his right, and tried to stand. However, his left leg wasn't cooperating either. Oh god, Tom thought, I've managed to paralyze the entire left side of my body.

Suddenly there was a groan to his left.

“Tord?” Tom asked.


Tom was shocked when Tord's voice came from his mouth. Tord must have realized it too from the few seconds of silence that followed.

“What the fuck?!” they both yelled.

“What the fuck are you doing in my body Commie?!”

“No! Why are you in my body Jehovah's witness?!”

“Get the fuck out of my body!!” they both cried.

There was suddenly loud knocks on Tom's bedroom door.

“Hey Tom, are you okay in there?” Edd asked from the other side of the door.

“Keep your mouth shut Tord, I don't want Edd to find out about this,” Tom whispered.

“Don't tell me what to do!”



They heard the door knob jiggle and panicked.

“Uh yeah, I'll be right there!”

Tom tried to stand, but fell flat on his face.

“Classic stupid Tom,” Tord laughed quietly.

“Shut up and help me!”

Together they managed to stand up and stumble into Tom's room.

“Tom are you alright?”

“Of course, why?”

“It's just that I thought I heard yelling.”

“Oh, that was just my music, sorry if I was playing it too loud.”

“That's okay,” Edd said, “By the way, have you seen Tord?’

“No, I've been in my room ever since he got here, he probably just went out to do some comunist stuff.”

“Okay, yeah that sounds like him.”


“What was that?”

“I said have a good night!”

“Oh, but you haven't had dinner yet…”

“It's fine, I already ate.”

“Okay, well goodnight.”

“Night Edd!”

Both Tom and Tord let out a sign of relief as they heard Edd's footsteps retreat.

That's when they caught a look if themselves in the mirror next to Tom's bed.

“Holy shit! Is that, is that what we look like?!”

Looking into the mirror, it was clear to see that something wasn’t right. It looked like someone had took both of their appearances and mashed them together.

They had two black, soleless eyes like Tom, and Tord's style of hair, however it was Tom's hair color, a light brown. Tom raised his hand to their face, brushing his fingers over the band aid on their cheek, that he remembered Tord wearing before. What was one of the strangest things however, was their clothes. It seemed as though both of their hoodies had fused together, making it so Tom's side was blue, and Tord's red.

“We look like a fucking psychopath!”

“What happened to my hair?!”

“Your hair?! What happened to my eyes?!”


“Wait, are those...What the hell! Are my ears pierced?!”

It fact, they were. Each ear had three black earrings, one stud, and two hoops attached to the ear lobe.

Tom rolled their eyes, “Seriously? They aren't that bad.”

“Yes! I look like a goth!”

“Fuck you!”

They began fighting, which was very difficult seeing as they were sharing the same body. Tord pulled their hair, while Tom punched them in the face.

Once it was over, they were sprouting multiple bruises, a bloody nose and cut lip, plus a black eye.

“We’re both severely fucked,” Tord said through clenched teeth.

“You don't happen to have a antidote lying around anywhere do you?”

“No! It was an experimental chemical, I didn't even know what it did."

“Well that's smart.”

“Oh shut up, I didn't think some idiot was going to walk in and spill it all over himself.”

“If I'm so dumb then how did I break into your little secret base, or are you just that stupid that you made it easy for me.”

“Fine! We're both idiots. There, are you happy?”


Tord rested his head down on Tom's pillow.

“God, why does it smell so strongly of alcohol?”

“Because it's my fucking room, now shut up and go to sleep.”

“How am I supposed to fall asleep when I'm drowning in the stench of liquor?”

“Can you stop complaining for five seconds, Jesus Christ!”

“Could, but what's the fun in that?”

Tom let out a loud sigh.

“Just go to sleep Tord,” Tom mumbled, “I don't like this anymore than you do, but we're going to have to deal with this, and I prefer to do it in the morning when I’m well rested.”

Tord said nothing, but after five minutes, they both were sleeping soundly.

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