Chapter Eight

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Once they arrived at Tom's room, he headed over to his closet and pulled out his guitar. Tord was somewhat impressed, it was a really nice guitar. The body itself was a nice slick black, with a black and white checkered print. The neck was a light tan, and looked a little worse for wear, with bandages tightly wrapped around it.

“Commie, meet Susan,” Tom said, holding it up.

“Yeah, not bad where'd you get it,” Tord asked, reaching out to touch her.

Tom slapped his hand away, “I said no touching! And it's her Tord, her! And I didn't just buy her like any old store bought item, she came to me!”

“I don't know how that's possible, because guitar's don't have legs, but alright.”

“Oh shut up, smart ass.”

They sat down on the floor, crossing their legs. Tom pulled the guitar into their lap and started strumming the strings lazily.

After a few minutes passed, he spoke again, “Alright, I'll let you play her, but you have to be gentle! She’s not as young as she used to be.”


“You promise?”


“Do you promise to be careful?”


Tom allowed him to hold her  however, a bit reluctantly.

Tord began plucking at the different strings, making sure he didn't use too much pressure.

Five minutes passed until Tom spoke again, startling Tord, “Do you want me to teach you a song?”

“Uh, sure.”

Tom moved his hand until it was laying over Tord's. Tord felt his face grow warm, however he didn’t understand why. He tried to ignore the blush slowly creeping across his face as he watched Tom take his fingers, placing them over different strings.

“Hey is this okay?”


“I said is this okay, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything, we can stop if you want.”

“No, it's fine, I'm actually curious on how to play. I want you to teach me.”

Tord felt Tom's side of their mouth raise in a half smile, and he wished he could see it.

“Okay, uh cool. It's just I'm a little surprised and all.”


Tom's lips turned into a frown, “People usually don't want to hang out with me, not willing anyway.”

“What about Edd, and Matt?”

“You saw how quick they were to leave me for you. They probably wouldn't have cared if I had walked out then and there and never came back.”

“Tom, you can't possibly think that's true, from what I see, they both love you as much as you love them.”

“Yeah, well you weren't here, so how could you know.”


“Just forget it,” he said, setting Susan on the floor, “I'm thirsty, I need a drink.”

“You can't just drown yourself in alcohol and pretend like you don't feel like crap.”

“Watch me.”

Which is how Tord found himself sitting on the porch with a bottle of Smirnoff in his hand.


Of course Tom was a lightweight, and because they were in the same body, the alcohol was affecting Tord way more than it should.


“Why d'ya leave us?”

“Had tooo,” Tord supplied, taking another sip of the almost empty bottle.

“But whyyyy?”

“Army stuff.”

There was a pause as Tom stole the bottle from Tord's hand, and gulped down the rest of its contents. He didn't bother telling Tom that they still shared a mouth, and the alcohol was going the same place.

Why you wanna take over world?” he slurred.

“I don know!”

“Then don't do it, stupid.”

“Is not like that Tom, I haff to!”

Tord sighed, running his hand through their hair. He lied back, staring up at the stars.

“If I don't take over the world, people might kill me.”

“Soooo? Kill em first!”

“That's not how it works! Just shut up and listen.”

“When I left, I joined an army. In a few years, I became their leader. I've been told that this is what I have to do, it's what I should want, but...I'm not sure it is. Being back here, with you guys, I just really missed this.”

Tord felt tears run down his face, and his vision blurred. He lifted his hand to wipe them away, but Tom beat him so it, wiping them away for him.

“We missed you too.”

Tord laughed, “Even you?”

“Yeah, even me.”

They spent the rest of the night in silence, staring up into the night sky, their face lit up by the glow of the stars. Neither one could have been happier.

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