Chapter Seven

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The next morning, Tord woke up to complete silence. It was strange, waking up in another person's room, especially one that used to be yours. He remembered what it used to look like, red painted walls, and hentai posters. It all just seemed so different. What did he expect though, he'd been gone forever years, of course nothing would look exactly the same.

Staring up at the ceiling, Tord thought about his army. He hoped Paul and Pat were doing alright running the base by themselves. He knew that they would be disappointed in him for failing his mission. He was supposed to come back here only to retrieve a giant robot that would help him take over the world, but after everything that happened, he wasn't so sure that was what he wanted anymore. He just really wasn't in a take over the world mood. Yes, he would lose his followers respect, maybe even his leadership, but at the moment those things didn't matter to him. He couldn't see how he could take over the world anyway, especially after being attached to the one person that would have the best chance of stopping him. Although it was sad in a way. He had trained so hard to get to this point, had to make some many sacrifices. It was upsetting knowing that all of that hard work had gone to waste.

“Hey Tord?” Tom asked, breaking Tord's thought.


“What do you want to do today?”

“Well, I'll tell you what we aren't doing, staying in this bed all day.”

They sat up, and Tord grabbed their hoodie, putting it over their head.

“We should really take a shower, I'm sure we both stink.”

“Of course, we're two dudes in one, it's double the stench.”

“I'm not sure that's how that works.”

“Whatever, we'll shower after breakfast.”

They made pancakes, sausage, and bacon, hissing in pain when a splash of grease hit their arm.

Once they were done eating, they headed back to their room, grabbing a clean pair of pants, and a light grey tank top, since Tord refused to wear one of Tom's blue hoodies.

Walking into the bathroom, they removed their red and blue hoodie, and then their jeans.

“Let's just agree not to make this awkward, okay?”


They quickly pulled off their boxers, and stepped into the shower. As soon as the water touched their skin, they both let out a sigh of relief. As the hot stream washed over their body, the  stress and tightness in their joints seemed to fade away.

“Damn this feels good,” Tord confessed.

Tom hummed in agreement.

Tord grabbed the bottle of soap in front of them, reading it outloud, “Suave Men 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner, Ocean Charge. Hmm…”

“What? It's a good brand!”

“I didn't say anything!”

He opened the lid, moving it under his nose. It had a strong earthy smell, mixed with a hint of spearmint.

“Okay what now? I feel like you're judging me.”

“No, I just didn't know you used soap, what with the never ending stench of alcohol that covers you and everything you own.”

“Whatever,” Tom snapped.

Tord recognized the defensive act, and was quick to try and apologize.

“Hey I didn't mean-”

“I said whatever! It's not a big deal. Let's just get this over with.”

Tom snatched the soap out of Tord's hand and applied it to their head, massaging it into their hair.

Grabbing the showerhead, Tord helped Tom rinse the soap out. Once they were finished, Tord turned off the water, and stepped out of the shower. He reached for a hair dryer, but Tom stopped him.

“It will be quicker if we just use a towel.”

Tord sighed and grabbed a towel from the rack, using it to rub their hair dry. He then reached into the cabinet above the sink, pulling out Tom's gel and hairspray.


“Come on Tom, you said I couldn't use the blow dryer, at least let me style my hair how I want.”

“Alright, but can we please get dressed first?”

“Oh, uh, yeah sorry.”

They picked up their clean set of clothes and quickly got dressed. Once that was done, Tord covered his fingers in gel, and ran them through their hair, styling it into his familiar horns, and then spaying it heavily in hairspray.

“Okay that's enough! Fucking hell! What are you trying to do, kill us?” Tom cried, followed by a fit of coughing.

“Oh shut up you big baby, you're fine.”

“I think I inhaled all of that.”

“You're fine, come on.”

They walked out of the bathroom and into the living room, flopping down on the couch.

“What do you want to do?” Tom asked.

“I don't know. You're the one who lives here, what do you normally do?”

“Get drunk.”

“Besides that idiot.”

“Well sometimes I play Susan.”

“Whose Su- Oh! You still have that piece of junk?”

“Susan is not a piece of junk! Ass hat! She's an important member of our family, and you will treat her with respect or I will end your fucking life!”

“Damn...that took a turn.”

“You don't talk bad about Susan.”

“Yup got when do I get to meet her?”


“Oh come on, you can't say all that stuff, and not expect me to want to meet the most important woman in your life. I still want to be your best man at the wedding.”

“Shut up why don't you. Fine I'll let you see her, but no touching!”

“Alright, lead the way.”

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