Chapter Nine

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Tom was awoken by the strong scent of sausage and waffles. He felt drool run down Tord's side of their face and groaned in disgust.

“Tord! Stop drooling all over ourselves and get your lazy ass up!”

“What the hell?! Let me sleep!”

“No, there's waffles!”

Tord lifted his one eye, “What kind?”

“Guess you'll just have to come see for yourself.”

Sighing loudly, Tord allowed Tom to sit themselves up and walk into the kitchen.

Edd was at the stove, cooking the sausage, while Matt stood over by the waffle maker, staring at it with the most intensity Tom had ever seen him capable of using.

“Whatcha doing there Matt?” he asked, concerned.

“Making waffles.”


“Hey Torm?” Edd said.


“Could you bother to help set the table please?”


“Of course.”

They walked to the cabinet, and pulled out three plates and mugs, as well as silverware from the drawer below, placing them at their assigned spots at the table.

They then went to the fridge, and grabbed a coke for Edd, juice for Matt, and water for themselves.

“So, how was the concert?” Tom asked.

“Oh it was great! There were so many people and the music was loud,” Edd replied.

“We ate hot dogs!” Matt piped in.

“That sounds awesome.”

“It was,” said Edd, placing food on everyone's plate.

“But what was really great was afterwards, at the hotel,” Matt continued.

Edd almost spat coke all over himself.

Tom and Tord smirked, “Oh really? What did you guys do?”

“Well we went to the pool and sat in the hot tub together, but it wrinkled my perfect skin, so Edd suggested we head back up to the room, and then we got undressed and-”

“MATT!!” Edd exclaimed.

His face was as red as a tomato and it looked like he was about to die of embarrassment at any second.

“What?” Matt asked, turning his head and looking like a sad puppy.

Tom and Tord laughed at both Edd's major blush, and Matt's innocence.

After they had ate, Edd clapped his hands and exclaimed, “Family movie time!”

Tom felt himself smiling along with Tord as they grabbed a bag of popcorn and popped it in the microwave. When it let out a loud beep, they pulled out the bag and poured it into a large bowel. Edd pulled out Pirate Zombies From Hell 4, and they all sat down on the couch.

“I haven't seen this movie in so long,” Tord whispered.

“Yeah, I remember when we used to watch movies together every other night.”

“I've missed it.”

“Me too.”

They were interrupted by a loud shh from Edd, and focused their attention back on the screen.

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